Coming out

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Request: Solby4lyfe
Ship: brolby
Warnings: none

Colby's pov

I'm about to come out to one of my best friend and crush of two years Brennen Taylor I'm gonna have to prepare myself

"Ok Colby you can do this" I say to my self in the mirror

"Brennen I'm gay and have a crush on you"

"Oh my god you're gay band have a crush on brennen" sam says from behind me oh my god I'm the worst friend ever he should have found out that way


"I knew it I hope Brennen feels that same"

"I'm sorry sam  you shouldn't have found out that way"

"It's ok colbs" I hug him

"I'm gonna go tell him"

"Good luck brother call me after no matter what he says ok?"

"Ok dad"

"I love you colbs"

"And I love you too sam" (as brothers not like boyfriends)

Me: hey bren can I Come over

Brenny😍😍:of course

Me:can you pick me up

Brenny😍😍: of ill be over in 5 minutes

Me: k

I guess it's a good thing my car is in the shop
He pulls in I get in the car and we start to head to his house

Don't mess this up

Oh god what if he hates me

But what if he likes me in a more then friends way too

"Colbs what's wrong"

"Nothing why would you think something's wrong"

"Cause you've been very quiet, you keep biting your nails and running your hands through your hair that's what you do when your nervous about something"

"No dude I'm fine" ugh I hate calling him dude

"Are you sure"


"Ok well I'm gonna start the vlog do you want to go to tender greens"

"Actually Brennen I need to talk to you about something when we get to your house and can we please just hang out no cameras involved"

"Yea totally"

Time skip to at Brennens

"Ok what's up Colbs"

"Can we sit down this is serious"

"You're acting weird"

"I feel weird"

"Ok Colby what's up"


"You're What Colby"


"It's ok"

"That's not it"

"Ok what Else is there?"


"Colby it's ok spit it out"

"I'm in love with someone really close to me and I'm scared of their reaction"

"Who is it- sam?"









"You dummy"


"I know you don't feel the same"

"No Colby I'm in love with you too"

"What?" And he kiss me

420 word count

Colby Brock gay oneshots (request open)Where stories live. Discover now