Chapter 29

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Juma'at kareem ya'll🌚

Today is Ni'imah's kamu and they're sitting in Niinii's room eating. Maama forced Layla to eat, everything She eats comes right back as puke. Ya Allah being pregnant is a great feeling but it's not easy.

Ni'imah is getting her makeup done by Dazeita, even though they're not through yet she looks stunning. Layla is laying on Ni'imah's bed talking with Ibty on phone. Ibty is back in the Uk writing her exams but coming back next week inshallah for her wedding preparations.

"I seriously can't believe I'm missing this wedding." Ibty said from the other end.

"Yeah girl, you're missing a lot especially the bridal shower we had yesterday" Layla said, trying to annoy her.

"Yeah Ibty you missed, Wallahi." Added Ni'imah.

In no time dazeita was done with Ni'imah's makeup and hell she looks stunning in her beautiful white and gold dress.

Ya Lou came in and told them to come down already and go to the event venue. The groomsmen are taking them to the place and her husband happens to be one of them. They moved downstairs and snapped some pictures before moving outside to the parking lot.

She spotted Muhammad and some of his other friends laughing. God he's so handsome. She thought. His eyes met hers then he excused himself and approached her.

"Hey wifey." He gave her a hug.

"Babe, we're in public" She said trying to move out of his hold.

"And so?.. you're my wife" He said and pecked her cheek before releasing her from the hug.

"How are you? Have you eaten? Do you feel anything now?" He asked.

"Muhammad, I'm perfectly alright okay? And yes I've eaten"

He sighed and nodded. Ya lou came and said they should get going. She entered Muhammad's car and they zoomed out of the compound in a convoy.

They arrived at the venue not so long ago, the guys dropped them and went back to their business. They arranged ourselves and danced to the tent for the bride and her bridesmaids. The bridesmaids are wearing on a purple Ankara with yellow flowers.

They reached the tent and sat down, opening prayer was done by one of Muhammad's Aunts, then the event started immediately. The bride and her friends were called to dance while Layla just sat there looking at them having fun. Nimah looks so happy mashallah.

"Layla where's your concealer?" Basma asked.

"Fareeda your phone is ringing." Said Sarah

Fareeda and Sarah are both Muhammad's cousins, they live in New York and they came for the wedding so they are staying at Layla's house for the wedding.

They are currently in Layla's house getting ready for dinner. The girls are in Layla's room getting their makeup done. The dinner is in less than two hours.

She got her makeup done by the makeup artist and slipped into her outfit and draped a purple veil to cover her barely visible baby bump. They all finished dressing up and went downstairs where Muhammad was sitting in the living room with khalifa. He stood up immediately Layla walked in

"You look breathtakingly beautiful, baby." He kissed her forehead.

She blushed. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself"

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