Chapter two

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Jack and I stepped out of Jacks Mercedes and into the parking lot. Karli just texted us saying she would be a little late due to traffic since the restaurant was a pretty far drive. Also her Uber was late picking her up. We began to walk up the steps to the restaurant when he pulled me aside.
"Jack the restaurant is over h-"
"Shhhhh" he interrupted me.
Jack grabbed my hand and led me behind the restaurant. He finally let go of my hand when we reached a small, empty sitting area behind the restaurant. "I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look tonight" jack whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. "Thank you" I smiled up at him and leaned in to his lips. After a few minutes of passionately making out we both broke apart for air. We stood and admired eachother for a few seconds. His crystal blue eyes stared into mine for what felt like the longest time. Taking in everything about eachother before we were torn apart. I broke the silence and whispered, "Jack do you believe we can work a long distance thing out?" Thoughts of us breaking up swirled inside my head. "Jennifer, you know I will always be one call away. Your not alone, I'll always be here."
I blushed and leaned in for a small kiss one last time.
I hugged him and leaned into his strong arms.
"Awww my star quarterback wont have his biggest fan at his games anymore." I said making a sad puppy dog face at him.
"Hey don't worry you will always be number one even if you are far away."
I laughed and snuggled up to him more. I'll miss his hugs the most.
(Fast forward past the dinner)
I hugged Karli for the seventh time as tears began to well up in my eyes.
"Oh Jennifer I'll miss you so much. Who else is going to crash parties with me now? Or shop until we drop? I'm gonna be so lonely!"
Karli cried as we walked out the door of the restaurant and onto the front deck.
"Karli you know I'll always be down for anything with you when I come home! We have FaceTime though for when I'm gone."
"Okayyyyy" she smiled at me brushing her blonde hair out of her eyes.
"There you guys are!" Jack exclaimed from the doorway of the restaurant. He had just gone to the bathroom and must have just noticed us in the parking lot.
"Come on Kyd lets get going" I called from the parking lot and Karli followed up with a "yeah! We have to drop her off one last time" (Kyd is Jacks last name)
Twenty minutes and 2000 laughs later, Karli Jack and I finally arrived at my house. Our voices hurt so much from screaming along to every word of our favorite songs. Oh how I'll miss doing that with them. Jack pulled up to the curb in his car.
"Alright let's say goodbye to the famous Jennifer Lacava" Jack said turning and smiling at me in the passenger seat.
"Noooooo!!!" Karli screamed from the back startling jack and I.
After hugging Karli for like 5 minutes straight and promising her to call everyday, her Uber arrived to drive her home. I swear that girl Uber's everywhere!
She screamed out the window probably annoying the poor Uber driver. But what can I say, my best friend is crazy.
"I LOVE YOU TO KARLI!!! SEE YOU SOON!" I called back. I turned around almost forgetting Jack was still there. Jack pulled out a little box from his pocket and I couldn't help but think, is he proposing to me? He gently opened the small red box and revealed a beautiful gold bracelet with his initials on it. (JSK) (the s stands for Sam his middle name)
"Oh my gosh Jack this is amazing!" I beamed up at him. He laughed and said, "Not as beautiful as y-" I jumped into his arms interrupting him and squealed. "This is beautiful! You shouldn't have! I'm not this special!" Jack laughed as I rested onto his broad sholder. He pulled me off him and looked me in the eyes and said, "Jennifer you don't know how much you mean to me. Ever sense I laid eyes on you I knew you were special. You make me happier every single day in everything you do. That day I met you I replay it in my head all the time because I'm still stunned how I get to be called your boyfriend. You are so beautiful, confident, amazing, kind, supportive, loving, and so much more. I love you so much. I didn't want to do this but I think we should end things here. I don't want to restrict you from being the best person you can be. I'm not the type of guy you deserve and I know that. You deserve the world Jen. I know that there is a life waiting for you in Florida and I want only the best for you. Don't let me hold you back. This bracelet just shows that I'm here for you always as a friend. No matter what." I stood up at him as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't decide if I was mad, upset or just confused. "Jack I don't know what to say..." my voice cracked and I looked down at my front yards grass. Tears blurred my vision. Why would he break up with me if he loves me? Jack took my face in his hand and said "This is for the best for both of us. I'm not leaving you forever, I'm just going to be here as a friend. I care for you so much Jennifer and I sound crazy saying this I know..." he trailed off looking down. He let go of my face as I watched his eyes move from me to the ground. His blue eyes... oh how I'll miss those so much. "Jack I understand." I said not really believing what I was saying. "I know we both love each other so much and this year has been amazing with you. I will wear this bracelet always in honor of you. Okay?" He looked up almost smiling. I could tell how relieved he was that I didn't go all crazy bitch on him. "I love you" he said staring into my eyes. "I love you more" I halfheartedly smiled at him. He pulled me in for one last hug before we broke apart. "Here let me put it on you." He said reaching for my arm filled with a few bracelets. I watched his fingers move so smoothly around my wrist. I wanted to cry so badly but knowing that this was my last moment with him, I couldn't do that. He let go of my hand and shoved his own hand in his pocket. "Is this goodbye?" He asked looking at me almost like he regretted doing this. I wanted to scream in his face so badly and tell him to leave and let me cry but instead I said "no jack, it's see you later." We both smiled and stood in my grass just looking at eachother. I don't know what he's thinking but I sure know that I will miss this boy. "Well... see you later Jennifer." He said as I heard a tiny almost laugh sound escape his voice. I pulled him in one last time and said "see you later". We broke apart and I shifted awkwardly towards the front door still looking at Jack. We both opened the doors to where we were going. Almost like a metaphor of us opening new doors. I stepped inside as jack turned on the engine to his car. I looked behind me smiling and whispered, "see you later Kyd."

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