Chapter 2

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                                                                     *Ashleigh P.O.V.*

It's been a week since the Kisame prank incident and me and Lizzy just got done with the last of your chores.

"Finally!" I shouted as we headed back to our rooms to take a break.

"It felt likes months that we had to clean up after them! Who knew they were that messy." Lizzy said as she laid down on her bed.

"Now you see why I don't like most of them." I complained.

"Oh Ash you know you love them." Lizzy said with a grin.

"Ok. I admit I love some of them."

"Woo! I knew I was right!" Lizzy replied sticking her tongue out at me.

"Hey do you when Sasori and Deidara are getting back from their mission?" Lizzy asked after a minute of silence.

"Umm according to Leader." I started. "They should be getting back today!" I shouted and jumped off my bed and ran to living room.

"ASHLEIGH!" Lizzy shouted running after me. "What are you doing!?"

"I want to be the first one to congradulate them on their job well done on the mission duh!" I shouted back.

We both stopped at the living room and I fell over on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Lizzy asked with a face like -__-.

"I'm laying down. You know how much energy it took to run at full speed from our room to here."

"I swear you are the laziest person I have ever met." Lizzy replied walking over and sitting on my legs.

"Ahh! Suffacation!" I yelled trying to push her off.

"Get over it." Lizzy said laughing.

"Yeah you're much effort." I replied closing my eyes and trying to sleep.

"TOBI'S HERE AND READY TO PARTY!" Tobi shouted running down the stairs.

"TOBI! HEY!" Lizzy yelled and jumped on his back.

They both started to talk and laugh when I heard a noise from the front of the base.

"We're back!!" Deidara shouted.

"Brat you're to loud." Sasori said.

"Finally!" Lizzy shouted. "Your mission took forever and we were getting so bored with you two here."

"Our mission took longer than we expected." Sasori said walking up the stairs.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Lizzy asked.

"I'm going to report our mission to Leader-sama."

"Can I come?" Lizzy asked.

"Sure why not."

They both started walking up the stairs and down the hall towards Leaders office.

"Hey Tobi do you mind if..." I trailed off realizing he wasn't even in the room.

"Tobi's not here." Deidara said looking at me.

"Well he was a minute! That guy is fast."


I walked up to Deidara and gave him a huge hug.

"Welcome back dad, I'm glad you didn't get hurt on your mission."

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