Chapter 3

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                                                                         *Lizzy P.O.V.*

"Oh jashin." I said as i walked slowly up the stairs. "I hate practicing with Hidan for his 'god.'....oh he's making me talk to myself!!."

"Hey! Lizzy!!! Shut the f*ck up!!!" Hidan yelled from downstairs.

"Why don't you shut up!!." I yelled back at him.

"I dont f*cking want to!"

"Of course you don't want to because you're already so used to yelling in bed with Kakuzu every night!!!" I said reaching the top of the stairs.

"Watch it!" Kakuzu growled from beside me, slapped the back of my head, and walked downstairs.

"Ow." I said as I rubbed my head. "Sorry kakuzu I just want Hidan to shut up."

"Well I'm not going to now!!! Oh and cuz of that me and Kakuzu joke...YOU. ARE. DEAD!!" He yelled chasing me.

"AHHHHHHHH HELPP!!!!!" I screamed running down the halls.

"Calm down!" Ash yelled from her room.

"HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!!!" I yelled at her as i passed her room.

-Wait. I know where to go! I'll definitly be safe there.-

I ran down multiple halls with Hidan still chasing me and I slammed open the very last door in the hall open.

"Help me please!" I yelled and hid behind the persons body.

"LET. ME. KILL. HER. NOW!" Hidan said clearly pissed.

"Hidan stop." A strong voice ordered him.

"I'm not going to stop! i want to kill her!"

"No. Now leave."

"Fine. Whatever. I dont see why you care about her so much anyways." Hidan said and started walking towards the door.

"You are not allowed to hurt Lizzy. Do you understand."

"Yes! Jashin!!" Hidan yelled and walked out and slammed the door closed.

"Thank you so much Leader." I said and looked at him.

"No problem. I'm always going to protect you. And no ones here you don't have to call me that."

"Fine. Thanks Dad." I said as I hugged him.

"Your welcome." He said and hugged me back.

Yeah...Leader or Pein or whatever you want to call him is my dad. I guess it was pretty obvious to tell because we both have orange hair. But the weird thing was, the first time i actually saw him in person and he saw me, we didn't realize that we were related. We just blew it off but the way how was...different from how most people figure out that their father runs an organization full of killers.

                                                                    *Lizzy P.O.V Flashback*

Ashleigh and I just got back from a mission in the village hidden in the mist and boy were we tired.

"So who's reporting to Leader how it went?" Ashleigh asked me.

"Well....I think you should because I am really tired and I carried you for about 4 miles so please!" I begged her.

"How about we go together? It'll save us from the unnesassary argueing later that we are bound to have."

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