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     Gabriel, for some reason really wanted to go to the famous school trip. He new he shouldn't because nothing good will come out of it. But for some reason he thought something good was gonna come out of it. He didn't know why and it really ruffled his jimmies, he was so bothered by it Gabriel didn't eat. And nothing got in between him and food.
"Dude the trip's in three days are you sure you wanna go?" His best friend told him stuffing himself  with the schools 'roast beef'. 
"I don't know bro it's just that.... I wish I had a disguise." Gabe says looking down,
"Bro, I have an idea" his best friend tells him. Gabriel looks up to see Aaron's sly smile.
"Oh no,"

                                   •  •  •  •

   "Why did I agree to do this," Gabriel groans. They were currently in the mall at ru21 looking for girl clothes and Gabe was not having it.
"If you wanna go to the trip you gotta make the stick." His best friend rhymes earning a squeaky laugh from Gabriel.
"W-what does tha-that meannnn," He wipes a tear forming in his eyes.
"It mean a you gotta be a girl, you already have the silhouette of a hottie just gotta dress you up," He bops Gabe on the nose and yet again, he squeaks with laughter. Aaron can't help but chuckle too, he loves this innocent blond haired boy so much. Without Gabe in his life.... it would way more dark than it was now. When Aaron looks at his close friend he sees him looking at some of the adidas tennis skirts. His focus on level 100 and he was chewing on his already screaming lips.

"I don't have money," he chips slowly looking at Aaron.  Aaron already knew he would have to pay for it so he brought the money he won from his magic tournaments.
"Don't worry I got it," he assures his slightly taller friend. Gabriel smiles his bright blue eyes bright with excitement.
"Thank you! I love you so much!" He squeals while hugging his smaller friend kissing his cheeks over and over again.
"Alright alright! Just get your toshie in there and try some clothes!" Aaron hisses pushing Gabriel off of him. His friend hops to the dressing room giving a quick peace sign.

"Oo I like this one"

"Nope too slutty,"

"What about this?"

"Too librarian,"

"And this?"

"Nah I can see your crotch,"

Gabriel waltzes out of the dressing room and each outfit he tries never looks right, he thought it was because he was a boy but Aaron assured him it was just that they haven't found the right style. They only had one outfit left and Gabriel was starting to lose hope.
"If this doesn't work I'm going home," Gabriel groans ready for his bed.
"Ugh come one don't give up we'll try tomorrow alright? Now stop talking and put it on." Aaron throws the outfit over the door and his friend catches it with a thud. After a lit of rustling and Gabe falling once the outfit was in and his friend was silent.
"Hey Gabe you alright in there?" Aaron questions his brows knitting close together.
"Ye-yeah I'm coming out," Gabriel squeaks. Aaron was about to make a joke saying 'you already did that' but was cut of since Gabriel walked out of the dressing room making Aaron lose his breath.
" we found the one,"


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