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Y/n woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, she groaned as she rubbed her head.

She had a pounding head ache.

"God fucking damn it I'm so stupid" y/n mumbled

All she remembered was Finn carrying her into her bedroom and she woke up in comfy clothes.

She quickly brushed her teeth and put her plaid short skirt on and a buttoned up top and put her hair in two braids and grabbed her boots.

She walked to Sadie's car as she honked.

"Stop honking Jesus I'm still hung over" y/n said as she got in Sadie's car.

"Your Lucky finn took you home, Jaeden stayed the night" Sadie said as she started driving.

"He did?" Y/n said as her eyebrows furrowed.

Y/n just shrugged her shoulders and looked out the window.

Once first period started finn was no where to be found.

The bell rang 13 minutes ago.

Y/n watched the boring history video as she chewed on a tic tac.

Just then Finn came in with bags under his eyes but he still managed to look hot.

He dragged himself over to his seat and sat next to y/n.

"Hey Finn" y/n said as she smiled at him.

"Hi" Finn said as he fake smiled.

Y/n could tell he was in pain he had a bruised eye and his lip was bleeding.

"What the fuck?" Y/n said as she looked at his busted lip.

"Can I please help you it's the least I could do!" Y/n begged.

"Yeah I guess" finn muttered as him and y/n slowly got up.

Miss rider fell asleep as the video played so they grabbed the pass from her desk and slowly walked out.

"Shit I forgot you can't go in the girls bathroom" y/n said In a quiet whisper.

Finns lip bleed more and more.

"Who fucking cares" finn said as he opened the girls bathroom door and they walked in.

Y/n grabbed paper towels and warm water.

She put the warm wet paper towel on his lip and rubbed it.

Finn cringed.

"Does it hurt" y/n whispered as she looked into his eyes.

" it's fine nothing I haven't had happen to me before" finn shrugged.

The bleeding stopped and her and Finn walked out.

The bell rang Just in time.

"Hey thanks for helping me" finn said as he flashed a smirk.

"Thank you for helping me" y/n said back as she smiled and walked off as Finn watched.

"Damn those stupid short skirts" finn muttered under his breathe.

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