Just my book of drawings and paintings! I may put in old clay things I made or cosplay/makeup I'm proud of if I feel like it. Also I take requests. Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: the credit goes to the original owners for any bases I use for refere...
Redrew -Pastel_Butterfly- 's OC Cupcake to help show her how to get a bit creative with clothes. I know it's pretty hard to be creative with it at first once you get comfortable with one thing but you gotta keep pushing yourself! I'm not a fan of fashion or anything but as an artist I needed to learn exactly how to do jeans, the seams of a normal t-shirt, tennis shoes etc. But as you learn to do more, you'll find it's actually pretty fun comming up with outfits. Just look up anything for help. I still looked up exactly what a blouse looked like to do this picture. Here are my references
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I also still use a lot of bases so don't be down about your art. I think it's wonderful. But realistically no one wears the exact same thing unless it's a school uniform or something XD you'll get there. Anyway here is the original then my version. Hope you all like it!
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