Chapter 2: Friends i guess?

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I woke up to the gleam dim lights penetrating from the drapes I did not properly pull the night before.I groan,rubbing my eyes.I rolled over to the other side of the bed and picked up my phone to check the time.
It said 6:45am and it's a Monday which meant I have lectures today.I groan getting off my beloved bed.
Pulling off the comforter,I stood on my toes and stretched up to my arms.Making way to the bathroom to get ready.

I started off by brushing my teeth in the marble sink.Once I was done I rinse my mouth and splashed a handful of water on my face.Staring at my reflection on the very wide sink mirror.
I turned on the warm showers and got in,my body loves the warmth and relaxes,the drowsiness gone,senses and muscles awakening.I pick up the lavender bathing gel, squeezing the right amount on my loofah.

Once I was done cleaning up,I rub a lavender scented lotion all over my body,massaging the creamy mixture into my skin.Deciding to go with something laid back today,I open the slide door to my closet,picking up a heavy black hoodie with a matching sweatpants and a pair of black and white canvas.Combing Through my long straight hair,placing every strand in place.I smile at my decent looking reflection on the long standing mirror.

Picking up my messenger bag,I packed up some snacks,some writing implements and a pair of blue scrubs for medical practicals.

Yes,I am a medical student from the prestigious konoha medical school.Not many people get to go to a med school as such because it's not about the money,if it was then my father wouldn't be as proud as he is at me for getting in.It is a private firm owned by one of the best medical specialist in the whole of Asia,Tsunade Senju.The woman believed that in a field such as medicine,money is insignificant and so she offered only the top five students ranking best from there year in college admission to her eminent Medical school.The top three go there on scholarship while the rest pay an affordable fee every year. The system applies to every college from all over the world.

The woman is filthy rich so much so that she doesn't really need the extra cash.The pros of this Medical school are,the best three of each class get to work at her high paying hospital. Secondly,if you graduate from her college, no worries about getting employed because that school open's doors and opportunities.The third would be you get to meet,learn and work with the best doctors of different specialties from all over the world as your teachers.Plus they have the best facilities and equipments in high quality for the medical field at your disposal.

I closed the door behind and head downstairs, the smell of pancakes filling My nostrils.Once I got to the dinning,I was faced by my brother in an apron and my father holding up a newspaper. Probably reading it.
I sat myself on the seat opposite my father's and pushed forward, "Ohayo no chichi" i greeted bowing my head down to which he peered his newspaper down and glanced at me with a nod.

I craned my neck back at my dear brother who was facing the stove, "Ohayo onisan"I greeted to which he turned his back and smiled.

I watched as he placed the yummy looking pancakes on three different plates and bought out the different samples of syrups from the kitchen cabinet placing them and going round the table delivering the breakfast on our eight person's dinning table.

"Itadakimasu"we all said in unison as we dug into breakfast.

Halfway through the meal,I was taking moderate sips from my coffee mug.I glanced at my father and noticed he was staring between intervals at his expensive wristwatch.I chose not to talk,it was better that way before he decided to share his thoughts.

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