Chapter 1

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Thea let the rising, golden sun spread warmth over her face. She watched as it touched the horizon and how orange and pink streaks painted the sky.

Beneath her, the roof was rough like sandpaper on her exposed calves, but she didn't mind. Over the years, she had gotten used to its occasional sharp edges gently biting into her legs and palms.

No one was awake yet. At least not in her house. Her parents were still in bed, though her mother would probably be up soon due to her early work hours. Thea's older brother, Xander, always slept in so at least she wouldn't have to worry about him bugging her.

But still, she knew she'd have to sneak back through her bedroom window soon. She couldn't risk getting caught again.

Thea loved watching he sun rise every morning. It gave her a deep pleasure knowing that she was one of the very few who were able to experience the peace and quiet that came along with the dawn. It was like every new idea wasn't taken just yet. And that she was in on some big secret that no one - not even her - knew about.

Below, Zues - their German Shepard - barked, confirming that it was time for her to get going. With a deep sigh, Thea made her way down the roof expertly and smoothly slide through her window.

She had just pulled the covers over her and closed her eyes when the door gently creaked open and her mother's face appeared.

"Thea?" she whispered. "Are you awake?"

Thea pretended to be asleep as she felt her mother watching her, waiting for a response. After a long moment of silence, the door softly clicked shut and her mother quietly snuck downstairs.

Thea opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. It was the first official day of summer, and she had no idea what she was going to do with herself.


"Hurry up, Ginger. You're dragging ass."

Thea rolled her eyes at her best friend Bonnie and choked out a laugh, but that made her pant for breath even more. She finally stopped and shook her head half-heartedly at her ridiculous nickname.

Ever since grade school, Thea and Bonnie had been best friends. In the middle of Bonnie's third grade class, Thea was ushered in by the principle as a knew student with her bright, curly red hair cascading down past the back of her skinny little knees. Bonnie had yelled out, "Whose the Ginger?" And from then on, the name stuck and they were never separated.

"Seriously?" Bonnie complained. "We've only been running for . . . " She quickly checked her watch. "forty-eight minutes."

Thea raised her brows and looked over at her friend. "ONLY forty-eight minutes!" she scoffed.

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, you won't be running for six hours straight."

Thea made a low whistle. "I'll never understand why people would want to run a marathon for SIX HOURS STRAIGHT."

Bonnie shrugged. "It's a athletic thing."

Thea chuckled. "Yeah well, I'm dying."

"Aren't we all?"

Thea ignored the comment. "Can't we just swim? You do burn more calories that way you know."

Bonnie sighed, reluctant. "Fine."

Thea let out a breath of relief and began sliding her tank top up over her head, and then her shorts to the sand. Bonnie was doing the same and soon they were both wading out to the water until it was past their waist.

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