1914 - The End

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Watson's POV

"Lestrade, you know you can't just go around punching our suspects!" I all but yell at him.

"He can't do that! He can't just take Holmes from us, not when we got her back. You heard her Watson, that's not our Holmes and I want to know what he did to change her like that!" Lestrade glares at me.

He tries to walk away from me but I stop him with surprising strength. I swing him around and pin him against the wall just as angry.

"You think I like this?!" I yell right in his face, his eyes going wide in surprise. "Don't you dare believe for even a second that I like this! I agree that Holmes is no longer herself but would she have wanted you to punch Ikrum? No. The answer is no. We just need to help her. We will leave this time, and when we get home, we will prove to her that she has not disgraced her family name. Do you understand?"

He takes a moment before he can formulate a response.

"You're right. I wasn't thinking." He seems worried. "Calm down and let me go."

I realize that I still hadn't let him go and he was still firmly pressed to the wall. I let go and take a step back.

"It would seem as if we both let our emotions get the better of us." I say closing my eyes and breathing deeply.

"How about we go and find that device for Holmes, yeah?" Lestrade asks, effectively ignoring my last statement and changing the topic.

"Yeah." I sigh.

We should have taken a look when we were back there so we could save ourselves a trip, then again, Ikrum was our top priority. We walk down the hall before I think of the most obvious thing, how are we going to get there? I don't think the Avengers will be letting us leave anytime soon after what just happened. As if he could read my thoughts, Lestrade speaks up.

"They do not have ownership over us, we can leave anytime if we want."

"But how will we get back there?" I question back as we start to gather what we need.

"We walk if we have to. We should pack her stuff when we get back." He says shouldering a small pack.

All I do is nod. Does this qualify as going behind her back? Are we betraying the others trust by leaving without a word? Hopefully they'll learn to forgive us. I sigh.

"If we are going to do this, then I want to be who I was when I first got here." I say gesturing to the clothes we wore when we arrived in this time.

"I'll be back." That's all Lestrade says as he leaves the room, I presume to change.

After we change we leave Avengers Tower and start back to the warehouse on foot. We both gain many looks with our outdated clothing as we pass people on several busy streets. It's not long before a car starts following us. Soon the car pulls ahead of us and stops. The person who gets out isn't who I thought I would be in the least.

Agent Hill steps out and stands there, looking at us. We stop about ten feet from the car.

"I've been trying to get in contact with either of you, then I stop at the tower to hear the both of you have gone AWOL." She starts.

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