Cuts |1|

843 18 56

Key words:
*[Y/n] : Your name
*[L/n]: Last name
*[F/c] : Favorite Color
*[B/f/n] : Best friend's name
*[F/bf] : Favorite breakfast
*[BW/n] : Bitch's / Whore's Name

2nd Person POV

You woke up to your phone playing 'Floral Fury'. Yes, Floral Fury, Cagney's song. Instead of dismissing the alarm, you kept it on, wanting to hear more of that song, but it died out.

You sat up and winced. 'I forgot that I cutted yesterday...' You rubbed your arms gently before heading to your closet.

You got your normal attire, which consists of a long sleeved [F/c] sweater and long [S/f/c] pants, and went to the bathroom to shower.

You stripped off your clothes and sighed while admiring what you've done to yourself. 'Well, that makes it 23 cuts now... heh.' You turned on the shower and whimpered as your cuts stinged while your bruises hurt. "Gah.."

You got out, changed into your normal attire, and got out of your room to the kitchen. You saw your roomate, [B/f/n] , cooking [F/bf]. "Oh hey, Y/n. Finally woke up, huh?"

You nodded and sat on a chair. "Yeah..." You inhaled sharply after your arm accidentally hit the table. [B/f/n] sighed and went to you, pulling up your sleeve.

"You did four more yesterday, didn't you?" You let out a small sound of approval signifying that they're correct.

They got some antiseptic from their pocket and rubbed it on your cuts, you wincing as the liquid touched the wounds. Then they carefully wrapped it with some bandages they kept.

After they finished, they got back to preparing the food. You pulled your sleeves up. No one else knew besides [B/f/n] , [BW/n] , and [BW/n's] crew.

[BW/n] was the main reason you wanna fucking die. They and their crew would terrorize you every time you set foot on school ground. You didn't feel like going, but you had to.

[B/f/n] set the food on the table and you thanked them while getting some food. "This is good..."

"Thanks! I try." They flashed a smile at you before resuming. After you both finished eating, you placed your plates on the sink.

You went back to your room and grabbed the backpack filled with the basic necessities you needed. A pencil case, your wallet, your phone and headphones, your binder, and... the cutter you use to cut your wrist.

[B/f/n] was waiting by the door for you. Both of you left soon later. The walk was fine, it wasn't too hot out and [B/f/n] had a ton of things to talk about, like their science project, their accomplishments, their crushes.

You didn't really have anything interesting to say. No new and interesting games to announce. You could only really talk about a few indie games from last year like Last Day of June, Flinthook, Rain World, and Cuphead.

Once you started talking about Cuphead, it became non-stop. You absolutely loved the game! The graphics were good, the soundtrack was amazing, and the characters were unique!

Especially Cagney Carnation, which was your crush. You started to fall for the flower after reading some headcanons and X readers on Wattpad and Quotev, as well as AO3!

You were about to talk about the ships people ship that include Cagney but [BW/n] and their crew circled you.

"Would you look at that, we have The Snitch and Fuck-a-flower!" They all laughed while pointing fingers at the two of you. "No wonder no one likes you freaks."

They shoved you and kicked your stomach real hard. Some students watching chanted fight while the others went to get help. [B/f/n] grabbed one of [BW/n]'s lackeys by the hair and kicked their back.

[BW/n] pulled up your sleeve and got a small swiss knife from their pocket. They cut your arm multiple times while you screamed in agony when the cuts reopened. Strangely, you didn't cry. You wanted this to happen to you, after all.

"WHY AREN'T YOU CRYING, YOU BITCH?!" They yelled and held the knife to your neck, causing everyone to gasp. "You stupid waste of space... YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO EVERYONE!"

"Yeah? At least we're not some whorey bitches who have a gang bang while no ones looking and fuck each others' significant others on each others backs, and would also waste their stupid ass lives trying to hurt someone else's feelings because of their ego, but please, you don't hurt anyone because everyone knows that you're only saying that to mirror the sad sad lives you have. Now good day, dumbasses. I'm telling the principal. Snitches are people's saviors most of the time, after all. "

[B/f/n] smirked maliciously after saying that. [BW/n] froze for a while, trying to process what
[B/f/n] said, but thankfully, Principal Grey came out and saw what was going on.

" [BW/N] ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU AND YOUR GANG BETTER MEET ME IN MY OFFICE NOW!" He yelled and pointed at the school building. [BW/n] scoffed and stood up while their crew followed the principal inside.

[B/f/n] smirked grabbed your hand and dragged you into school. Some of the other students who witnessed it started yelling 'oooooh!'s and 'burn bitch burn!'s, while the others just laughed their asses off.

The first bell rang and you made it to your first class in time, Social Studies.


The both of you left the school while laughing about a joke you said earlier.

"Okay, so in Math, Professor Baldi told us something pretty smart. Say 'A nut for a jar of tuna' backwards!" They exclaimed while looking at you with anticipation.

"... A... A nut for a jar or tuna! Golly, that's pretty clever!" They snickered.

"Golly? Cuphead is getting to you really quickly." You shook your head.

"It's not about Cuphead. It's just the word 'golly' is really catchy." You were about to blabber again when [BW/n] and their crew appeared again.

"I'M EXPELLED THANKS TO YOU! MY PARENTS WILL KILL ME! SO BEFORE THAT, I'LL KILL YOU!" You and [B/f/n] began running to your house while they chased after you. You looked behind you and saw [BW/n]'s face, it was one of pure rage.

You could see the silhouette of your house in the distance and ran faster. Once you reached there, you quickly inserted the key and running inside, locking it again.

You and [B/f/n] sat on the floor, panting. You have never been so terrified in all your life. You put your hands up, signifying that you give up, and went to your room.

You booted up your laptop. Once it was on, the first thing you did was press Cuphead. You felt like playing it at the moment. You got your controller ready. Once the menu popped in, you pressed the first save file.

The loading screen was taking too long, so you opened your bag and got the cutter. You began cutting.

"A waste of space." Cut. "A whore." Cut. "A bitch." Cut. "A disgrace." Cut.

" [Y/N]! DON'T DO THIS!" The voice came from your laptop. Before you could see who said it, you blacked out.

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