Chapter 1

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"Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you." ~ Cheers


"Mom, I'm gonna go to Cassidy's house!" I yelled upstairs where my mom was at.

"Are you taking your car or walking?" She asked me, walking down the steps.

"I think I'm gonna walk." I said. She looked at me with the 'what-are-you-hiding' face. "Fine, I don't have gas in my car, I forgot to fill it up before coming home." I sighed.

"Okay, well you can fill it up later or are you sleeping over?" I thought for a second. Later on, I'm not going to want to walk so I may as well sleep over, right?

"I'm gonna' sleep over." I said. She nodded. "Okay, well, I'm gonna' go. Love you, Mom." I kissed her cheek before walking away.

"Love you too, be careful." She said as I closed the front door. Cassidy's house wasn't that far from mine.

As I was near Cassidy's house I saw a few scary looking guys that were at the little community park that was close by her house. Choosing to ignore them, I speed-walked to her house. Before I could even knock, Mrs. Taylor walked out of the house in a hurry.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Taylor." I said offering her my biggest smile. Which she gladly returned.

"Hello, Justice. Anyways, the lunch is on the stove, if you guys wanna order pizza for dinner go ahead. I left you guys some money on the counter. Well, I have to go to work. Have fun." She gave me a small hug and ran into her car and drove away.

"Cassidy?" I yelled loudly as I entered.

"In the kitchen!" I chuckled. Of course she's in the kitchen, she's always eating.

"Eating, as usual. So what are we doing on this beautiful day?" I asked dramatically. She rolled her eyes.

"You're so dramatic. But, I was thinking maybe we could start off by... prank calling." She smirked. My whole face probably lit up like a Christmas tree. She knows I love prank calling people. I nodded eagerly.

She laughed. "Let's go then woman!" We both ran upstairs and into her room where we always prank call. "You go first!"

I smiled.

Ring, Ring, Ring

"Hello?" The voice on the other line said. I always called a hot line. Even though those guys were pervs.

"Halloh, I was wondering if you could help me?" I said with an innocent voice. I turned to see Cassidy with the most biggest smile on her face.

"Of course, what can I assist you with babe?" The perv said. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you say: Eye. Spell: Map And say: Ness?" I asked. Just then, Cassidy covered her mouth to keep her from laughing.

"Eye M-A-P ness?" He asked. I burst out laughing as well as Cassidy. (for those who still don't get it; he basically said: I'm a penis.)

"Okay, okay. My turn." Cassidy said as she dialed her number.

"This is John, speak to me." The guy said.

"Hellooo!! This Jessie from the 'Jaken's Farm' I'm calling to let you know that your three cows, two pigs, 18 chickens, and four horses will be delivered to you at about 6 p.m today." Cassidy said in a southern accent.

"What?! I didn't order any of that! I think you have the wrong person." He exclaimed. That only made me want to laugh even more.

"No, I have the right person. Well, they should be there soon and don't worry, the money to for these has been taken out of your account already. Thank you for buying!" She said before hanging up. We stared at each other for a few seconds before dropping to the floor laughing.

After a few more prank calls and watching several movies, we decided it was time to change and go to sleep. We had gotten a call from Mrs. Taylor saying she was going to be coming back the next day.

"Ahhhh!!" I heard Cassidy shriek. I rolled my eyes. Vampire Diaries must be on.

Once I was done changing I went downstairs and heard...nothing. Silence.

"Cassidy?" I went further down the stairs. "Cassidy, this isn't funny. You're really scaring me." I said, my voice cracking at the end.

All of a sudden someone pushed me to the floor making me hit the wall. Hard.

"Hello there princess." I looked up and saw a man. Let me correct that: one of the men that were at the park. I started moving to the right side and backed up. "Are you scared, princess?" He asked smirking.

I didn't even know how to response.


I pulled my hand up to my red cheek. The guy started laughing when he noticed I was crying.

"Justice!" I turned to the side to see Cassidy right there being held my another man with a gun pointing to her head.

"Please, what do you want from us?!" I asked crying.

The guy came near me and pulled out a knife and rubbed it against my cheek. "It's our orders to come and kill her and any other people who are with her at the time." He whispered into my ear.

"Which is what we're about to do." The other guy said. They both shared a look and nodded.


Cassidy's limp body fell to the floor; blood spilling everywhere. I managed to push the man away from me and ran to Cassidy. I grabbed her head and layed it on my lap and grabbed her hand.

"Please, Cassidy. Don't leave me." I said squeezing her hand. She tried to squeeze mine back but she was too weak.

"I love you, Justice. I'm sorry." Her eyes were starting to roll backwards.

I shook her. "No Cassidy! Please!."

"I'm sorry." She said before her head dropped and her eyes closed. I let out more tears.

"Well, wasn't that just touching." The guy holding the gun to his heart said. The other one just nodded. "Now it's your turn." He said before pointing his gun at me.

At this point I didn't care. I just stood there. Frozen.

I waited for the 'Bang!' noise to come and the pain but it never did. All I felt were two warm, strong hands grabbing me by the waist. I opened up my eyes and saw blue and red lights flashing out the door. I looked up to see who the person who had their arms around me was. I didn't know him. As I tried to concentrate on his face. I noticed he had sparkling blue eyes. That was I could make out before my eyes rolled back.

Darkness took over.


Hello! This Kammie & Haylley :) Just wanted you guys to know that this is our very first book together! How exciting right? Anyways, we hope you like it. Please vote if you like it and if you have any comments or questions, ask away. I cried making this chapter :'( (Haylley)

Kammie, did you cry reading this?

Well goodbye for now.

Don't forget to follow this account and our personal accounts:

Kammie: @windlordvidia

Haylley: @xXxDaRkxXx


UH YEAH I CRIED. Well how's that for a dramatic first chapter guys? I think Haylley did a pretty darn good job! Ok, I wanted to get a few things straight before anything else.

FIRST OF ALL---Haylley wrote this chapter, I edited (though there wasn't much to edit because it was PERFECT) :we will probably like code the chapter titles or something so you know who wrote what:

SECOND OF ALL---there will be two different notes at the bottom of every chapter, one from me and one from Haylley. 

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