Chapter Eleven-Explanations

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Chapter Eleven


"Focus your thoughts on it, Josie." Tony says in an easy tone. I take a deep breath and nod, putting my hands on it and shutting my eyes. "Yell if you want to. Get angry!" He shouts behind me, surprising me. I feel sparks shoot out from my fingers and Tony's suit suddenly lights up blue. Tony jumps in the air and throws his fist up. "Yeah!" Once the electricity is flowing it's easy to keep it up. My trouble is getting started. I cut it off and turn to Tony, grinning. He hugs me, then sprints to the monitors to check on his suit. 

I'm not far behind, hoping I haven't broken anything. Tony was the only one who had the machinery to deal with my electrical training. I'd already singed off Natasha's eyebrows, made Bucky's arm start wildly smoking and whirring, then shocked Steve so badly that he fell back on his ass. Tony then suggested, through his laughter, that maybe working in the lab would be safer. "Incredible! You've charged it up completely!" He shouts ecstatically and throws his arm around my shoulders, pointing at the screen to show me. I breathe a sigh of relief at not breaking anything.

"Can you tell what voltage I reached?" I ask, scanning the screen for anything recognizable.

"Well, enough to put an elephant on its ass." He tells me joyfully. I chuckle and duck under his arm, backing up and sitting down on Tony's stool. He spins around with his mouth open to continue talking, but pauses when he sees me. "This is good progress, Josie." He encourages as he grabs another stool and sits down in front of me. I nod.

"At least I didn't turn any members of the team into barbeque earlier." I joke and roll my eyes when I see mischief light up in his eyes. "I'm not cooking BBQ for you, Tony." The mischief dies down and his expression turns serious.

"How're you doing, Josie?" I sigh and scowl at him playfully.

"I thought this was a feeling free zone?" I sass and stand, heading over to the table with the engine on it. Tony has been slowly taking apart the plane I stole for any new technology that Hydra might be messing with. So far, nothing. I hear Tony sigh as he stands and walks over across from me. "So, what? I was kidnapped and...mistreated. Boohoo." I continue, picking up a wrench and pointlessly tightening a bolt. Tony scoffs.

"Mistreated? Jo, you were-" I glare at him, daring him to say it. I haven't even said the words, I hate them. His mouth shuts instantly, but he bounces back. "It was more than that." He ends lamely and I laugh.

"Thanks for the information. I wasn't aware." My words are dripping sarcasm and summon a slight frown out of Tony.

"Could you not be a smartass when I'm trying to help you?" He asks rhetorically, leaning against the table. Focusing my mind, I send a tiny spark through the metal table. Tony jumps into the air and scowls as I laugh. He fights it, but the corner of his mouth turns up a little when I laugh. "Why don't you go bother one of your other parents." He suggests and I roll my eyes as I walk out. "And don't think I'm not aware you're dodging my questions!" I wave at him without turning around and walk the halls a little.

Soon, I settle on finding Natasha. She doesn't pressure me for any information and as much as I love the guys, she's easier to be with since she doesn't look at me like I'm breaking. I head to our floor and enter the gym, thinking she's most likely there. It's surprisingly empty. After looking in the kitchen and her bedroom and still not finding her, I give up and head to Bucky's room instead. I start hearing voices on my way and stop by the gym on his floor, slapping a hand over my mouth to keep in my laughter at what I find.

"You step on my foot one more time Rogers and you won't have a foot anymore." Natasha threatens Steve before slapping him on the back of his head. Bucky quickly intervenes and dances with Nat smoothly, then hands her back to Steve.

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