Chapter 4 - The Train

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Song for the Chapter- Hedwig's Theme - John Williams (I was watching Philosopher's Stone whilst writing this ah good times- as you were)

"Rude." my mum muttered under her breath after a second person had pushed past us to get to their destination. "I really remember why I was so grateful to find out about apparition and floo-ing when I got to Hogwarts. It was so I wouldn't have to use bloody public transport. All the crowds and pushing and the smell- Godric!"  

I laughed at this and noticed that I  was getting a weird look from an old lady who heard the words 'Hogwarts', 'floo-ing' and 'Godric' used by people who were pushing a trolley laden with a huge trunk and a birdcage which was holding an owl. Yeah, I guess it wasn't a usual thing to see at Kings Cross Station on a Monday morning, however on this day it was a little more normal than usual. It was September 1st and we were making our way to the infamous Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. 

I had literally waited my whole life to be here, my Mum and Uncle Mooney had told me hundreds of stories about Hogwarts and everything that goes along with it. I had a nervous knot in my stomach as I searched the crowd as best as I could at my slightly-below-average height to see if I could spot a crowd of redheads, which would be the easiest way of finding the twins.

We approached the barrier and my mother nudged me forwards. I can't express how nervous I was, I had built up such an image of perfection in my head about going to Hogwarts and having the best time of my life, what with Charlie, Percy and Bill all telling me what it's like currently and that's without all of the stories my Mum and Mooney and Mr and Mrs Weasley had to tell about the place.  I always knew I would be here but I never realised I was actually here, if that makes any bloody sense at all, I don't know but that's what was going through my mind at that point. I was ripped from my thoughts of nervousness when a trolley came dashing past me swiftly followed by a redhead whom I recognised as Percy, quickly followed by Charlie, then Fred and George, who had promptly stopped to shout a "Hi" at me.

Adopting the twin's attitude I got myself together and ran through the barrier, coming out on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. The Hogwarts Express was more beautiful than I could have fathomed from seeing pictures and hearing descriptions. The beautiful scarlet engine poured steam out onto the platform, despite the fact that it's run on magic. I ran along the platform, up to where the Weasleys were standing and shouted greetings to the family. 

We hurriedly started dragging our bags and trunks onto the train and locating an empty carriage, being there a little earlier, we managed to find one easily, Carriage No. 5. The twins and I dumped our belongings there before running back onto the platform to say our goodbyes to the rest of the family.

Ginny and Ron looked at the five of us with envy, they were as excited as I was about the day they would finally go to Hogwarts. 

"I'll definitely miss seeing the two of you! And don't worry, Ron you'll be boarding with us next year." I said, kneeling beside them, despite the fact that Ron was slightly taller than me despite being a year younger. I gave them both a quick hug, then Mrs Weasley, who pinched my cheeks and squeezed me a little bit too tightly. When she let me go, she grabbed the twins and did the same to them making Ron and Ginny giggle at the faces they were pulling. I walked over to my own mum who was standing next to Orion, who was sitting pretty in his cage. 

"Oh, I'm going to miss you so much Sophia, promise you'll write to me? And Uncle Mooney too, don't forget, you know he's a worrier." She said, muffled as she had her face buried in my hair. 

"At least you'll have Kreacher for company!" Fred giggled at her as she pulled the twins in for a hug too.

"Yeah, well it will be more peaceful than hearing you three running around causing trouble all the time," her voice cracked a little, Godric, she was so emotional sometimes.

"Oh don't cry Mum, we'll all be home for Christmas." She wiped her eyes and chuckled as the train started puffing with white smoke and the Inspector blew his whistle loud and clear, signalling us to board the train. 

As we climbed into our carriages and waved out of the window, I heard my mum shout:

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"That is not good advice!" I replied, laughing as we collapsed into our seats and set off on our first train ride to Hogwarts.


A/N - Hello, magical readers! It is very late as I'm writing/editing this so please excuse any mistakes/cheesiness rubbish writing in general ( yes I am blaming my terrible penmanship on my insomnia hahaha).

This is a much shorter chapter than usual you may or may not be pleased to know, I don't know because I don't know you. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little chapter and I will try to update again as soon as I can! Many thanks to all two of the people who are reading this, enjoy your day or if you're a night owl like me then enjoy your night.


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