Chapter 5 - The Train pt2

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song for the chapter - Boys Don't Cry by The Cure.

Around an hour into the train ride, the Trolley Witch knocked on our compartment door asking us if we would like anything from the trolley.  We waved her in and she entered the carriage, dragging her trolley behind her.  Along with their sandwiches, Fred and George had won a few sickles off of Percy and Charlie in a game of exploding snap the night before, and they hastily grabbed a few cauldron cakes and  a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. 

As his brother's face twisted with disgust after eating a vomit-flavoured bean, Fred grabbed some of them and looked at them more closely.

"Imagine if we could use these beans to get out of class, you know like the bad ones. If they could make us look and act like we're sick without actually being sick." 

"Why would you want to get out of class though? Don't you think it's going to be so interesting? We'll be learning something new every day, I've had a quick look through some of our textbooks and I honestly can't wait." I gushed slightly, realising that I probably sounded quite nerdy, although the twins had already sat through hours listening to me going on about Hogwarts and generally just tuned out at this point.

"What do you mean 'Why would you want to get out of class?'? Do you really want to sit through Snape's lectures about the differences between using rats tails or mice tails for some useless potion that we're never going to have to make outside of school?" George teased.

"Well actually, I think you'll find that potions lessons will be a lot more useful in your plans for the shop than you think. Especially if you're going to do things with sweets like Fred was just going on about, which for the record I think is a pretty good idea." 

Fred grinned at this, cheekily throwing a bean into the air and catching it in his mouth, quickly spitting out as he had unluckily received a bogey-flavour bean.

"You've just made an excellent point Sophia, however, I do think you're the brains of our group and I believe that your schoolwork will be at a high enough standard to cover the three of us. I was just saying the other day, wasn't I Fred? I was just saying how clever Sophia is and how well she's going to do in our classes--"

"Ha ha. You're very funny George but if you think for one second that that's the way you're getting through the next five years you've got another thing coming. I can help you out when you need it but if you're planning on sacking off lessons to waste time running around the castle without me then you've got no chance mate." Seeing their fake-offended faces, I knew that they knew that I would definitely not be the one sitting in the classroom waiting on them all the time. These next few years were going to be packed with ideas I've had flying around in my head since my mum first mentioned Hogwarts to me, even if it meant skipping one or two lessons to do so.

The twins both looked at each other for a minute before looking at Sophia with excited faces,

"Tell us what you're thinking then Soph ." George quipped.

"Well I think we should lay low for the first few weeks, you know, so we can figure out the castle a bit, get Charlie's prefect schedule and we can explore the castle whenever he's on night patrol, he'll go easier on us-"

"Easier on you you mean! Fred and I  won't stand a chance, you're going to have to be there every time--"

"Yeah, well we can sort that out when we get his can't we? There's no point flapping about it yet Georgie," I giggled nudging him.

"Anyway from what your brothers have said I reckon the easiest teachers to try out some tricks on would be Professor Binns and old Filch, what do you think?"

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