I still cant get over the fact that hayes called me today.
yes the hayes grier. brother of the famous viner nash grier. your probably wondering why he called me. well you see me and hayes used to date. yes we used to date but that all stopped when we broke up from distance and causing us to be friends but turns out hes coming back to california with his brother and wants us to catch up again. i mean we stopped talking for a whole year because he left to go to North Carolina, but im not mad.
"so why did you get so happy earlier?" zach says interrupting me from my thoughts since we were all currently eating in the dining table. everyone turned their heads to look at me
"oh well if you must know, my old bestie named hayes called me today and he said hes coming back to california and he wants to catch up again and im so excited to see him again after a year" i inform everyone whos looking at me
"yeah "old bestie" more like ex-boyfriend" loren says putting air quotes in old bestie
"ok so it doesnt matter people can have exs and still be friends with them"
"so its a he?" zach says looking at me. how dumb can this boy get.
"no zach hayes is a girls name and alissia dated a girl, yes its a he dumbo" loren sarcastically responds
"well sorry just asking" looking at his food.
"I missed my lil bro" she smiles at us
"why did it have to be a guy whos probably going to steal my girl" zach mumbles something but i couldnt hear what he said so i just shrugged it off.
anyways the whole gang left leaving me to go upstairs to my room and having me think about how my life has kind of changed. my whole thoughts were interrupted by the same facetime ringtone making me pick it up and seeing it was...
"hey hayes hows it going" i say looking at his face through my phone and seeing how his appearance has changed since the last time i saw him. also did i mention his voice got deeper like damn thats hot and all but i have interest in someone else.
"well damn i thought we were still going to have the same nicknames monti"
"oh so were using last names mcgrier"
"why do you call me that you know i hate mcgrier"
"and you know i hate monti"
"ok I'm getting bored so what you up to"
"well my plane doesn't board until an hour so yeah what about you"
"well nothing just in bed bored out of my head"
"i still cant belive your coming back to california!! I missed you"
"yeah i missed you to, how has this year been"
"well its been good so far"

Fanfiction𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐀𝐔 | ❝so kiss me 'til i'm sorry, babe, that you are gone and i'm a mess and i'll hurt you and you'll hurt me and we'll say things we can't repeat, put your hand in mine, you know that I want to be with you all the time, you know...