"so what time is jonah and your other friends coming over again?" nash said while still looking at his phone. it always bothered me on how he would always be on his phone when were either in a conversation or when he starts one.
"at 10 so we have like half an hour"
"aight bet, so you wanna tell us what you've been up to this past year?" hayes says looking at me
"well as you know i quit surfing after you know what but then i met the gang aka my friends who are coming over in 30 minutes and one of them named gabbie who is my new best friend invited me to surf with her and the other gang and at first i said i really love surfing but then i got scared for a bit but guess what."
they both look at me confused waiting for me continue
"i decided to get back at surfing and finally decided that i will start again, i will practice again but better this time and when i know i have gotten better...."
i stop for a while for a dramatic affect and see them wanting me to say more
"ok when you get better.... TELL US!!" nash screams at the end causing me to laugh at his small outburts
"well when i get better like way better i am going to start competing again!" i smile very widely but see that they have lost expressions and thats when nash and hayes were about to start speaking again until the doorbell rang.
"i'll get it" nash said causing me to smile that hes so nice. when nash left hayes started speaking again.
"ok i said i was fine with you surfing normally but competing. uhh no no i don't want you competing"
"ahh come on i have to. its one last try"
"ok im back with your gang, now where was i...."
"oh yeah, ARE YOU CRAZY!" nash continues on screaming at the end causing me to cover my ears quickly and leaving the whole gang confused while they are just sitting there.
"ok so ummm... what happened?" loren ask wanting to know what is happening
"did you know about this" nash says scanning her
"about what? wait whats happening?"
"about surfing yeah, of course i did, very happy by the way" smiling at me
"yeah but did you know that when she gets "better" she will start competing again" nash puts air quotations on" better" to make it dramatic
"OMG NO WAY!! why didnt you tell me! im so happy for you!" she says as i'm in embraced by huge hugs that she gives.
"really your not scared for her?" hayes says looking at her crazily and nervous
"well its actually her choice, but i think she will do amazing at surfing again" zach says butting in
"and who are you"
"oh sorry nice to meet you im zach"
"oh so your the famous zach herron" nash says putting his hand out to shake it

Fanfiction𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐀𝐔 | ❝so kiss me 'til i'm sorry, babe, that you are gone and i'm a mess and i'll hurt you and you'll hurt me and we'll say things we can't repeat, put your hand in mine, you know that I want to be with you all the time, you know...