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~your POV~
I was at home cuddling on the couch watching the office with Brendon while we got a call from Mike
"Hey guys do you mind if Dan, Nicole, and I come over?"
"Not at all," Brendon said "what for?"
"Well we were bored and had nothing to do so we wanted to go over to hang out with you guys."
"You just wanna go swimming huh?" We responded
"Not exactly." You could hear a faint voice in the background of your call that yelled "tHATS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT TO DO." We laughed "Nicole! Well I guess we're going over to swim byeeeee!"
"Wait but- aaannndd they hung up."
Brendon laughed "come on y/n let's have fun for a while! Put on your bathing suit."
"Okay but you can't call me hot in it!"
"Why not?"
"Because I'm going to wear a shirt over it so I don't feel so exposed while walking around the house half naked."
"Why not fully naked?"
"Shut up Brendon go be kinky on your own." I smiled
"Aw man." He pouted
~time skip do do dooo~
I came out wearing a one piece bathing suit and put one of Brendon's Metallica t-shirts over it
"Nice bathing suit." Brendon said sarcastically
I rolled my eyes and giggled quietly when I heard the doorbell ring
I ran to answer it
No one was there until they all came out and yelled "BOO!" Causing me to jump
"Guys what the f-"
"pROFANITY!" Mike yelled

~Brendon's POV~
I heard someone yell profanity near the front door so I automatically assumed it was Mike
He always acted like he was a child but it was funny as hell
People in his comment section would call him a 'smol bean' on his posts so that's his nickname now
I came up behind y/n wrapping an arm around her waist

"Hey guys! You ready to swim?"

Part two tomorrow cuz my fingers hurt :)
-O 💕

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