Chapter 2 ^-^

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Hai again!! Disclaimer! I don't own any characters except Trist, Storm- daughter of Zeus(AnotherInsaneFangirl), and Enna- daughter of Hecate and Hades(Me! ^-^)


Travis's P.O.V.:

"Come on Travis!! It’s been 2 days since we last pranked someone!" Connor complains "Let’s prank... uhm, Oh! There goes Katie! Let’s go prank her!" I jump up "No!!" I yell. Connor gives me a weird look, 'No!' I think to myself 'Connor can’t know about my crush on Katie, who knows what he'll do!!' "I mean, uhm, the last time we pranked the Demeter cabin we weren't allowed to eat anything but cereal for a month, remember? And our cabin roof grew pink flowers?" Connor groans. "Gods I can’t eat anymore cereal. Good point. Hmph. Well there's-" suddenly someone appears at the doorway. She's dressed like a typical Aphrodite girl, but when I see who it is it seems odd, because she's not a typical Aphrodite girl. "PIPER MCCLEAN?!" Connor and I shout in unison. "Shut up." She hisses, and I snicker. "I need you to prank Drew for me." "And why on earth would we do that?" Connor asks, pretending to sound confused "We would never pull pranks for revenge" I say innocently. "OK OK WE'LL HELP YOU! JUST LET GO OF MY HAIR" I scream "NOT MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR" Piper glared at me and let go "Are you going to help or not?" "Of course we'll help you Piper!" Connor said, with a evil glint in his eyes "If, you 1.) Go to your crush, whoever *cough* Jason *cough* that is, an-" "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT!?!" Piper screams, her face is starting to get red "You need to hide your diary in a better spot! Under your pillow? So Cliché. And frankly, I don’t see how his eyes are 'cute and dreamy' but you know everyone has their own opin-" "OHMIGODS TRAVIS SHUT UP!!" Her face getting redder by the second "Ok ok! Anyway as Connor was saying, in order for our help, you need to go to Jason, tell him you like him, and kiss him. "WHAT!?!" Piper screams, her face is redder than Trist's hair "NO WAY IN HADES AM I DOING THAT!!" "And you have to get everyone to play truth or dare" Connor says "Yeah everyone! Including like Storm, Trist, Enna and Katie!" I say quickly. I really want Katie in the game so I can get closer to her. Piper and Connor both give me weird looks "I mean, uh, I don’t want them to feel left out, uh, yeah that’s why" They both still looked at me weird but shook it off "If you want our help, beauty queen, then do those two things and then, after truth or dare, we'll help you. And trust us, It'll be good" Connor says with the same evil glint in his eyes. "Ok fine I'll go embarrass the Hades out of myself and then get everyone for stupid truth or dare" Piper mutters to herself "It better be good or I swear to the gods-" She got cut off as she closed the door. I look over at my brother "What exactly do we have planned for Drew?" He grins wickedly and whispers what his idea is "Oh that’s good".

Jason's P.O.V.:
Leo decided it would be funny to push me into Clarisse and thankfully, after I screamed and told her that Leo pushed me, she decided not to kill me but to only shove me in the mud, with lots of force. I went back to the cabin to get out of my now mud-soaked clothes. I changed into my new superman shirt (yes I went there), and my black skinny jeans when I hear a knock on the door "It’s open" I say. The door slowly opens "Uhm, Hi Jason...” Ohmigods, she looks beautiful. Why is she here? Does she know I have a crush on her? Does she have a crush on me? Oh snap out of it Jason! "Oh uhm hey Piper, What's up?" Next thing I know she was kissing me! It didn’t last long but I wish it had. "Piper" I say, butterflies in my stomach, "Will you go out with me?" Piper looks shocked and I get really worried 'This was just a dare wasn’t it? Gods, I’m so stupid' but then she smirks a little "Yes Superman, I will go out with you" "Wait... Superman?" She smirks again "Yes Superman, now come on, we have a truth or dare game to organize"


Hai! I know the title says truth or dare and I promise in the next chapter will have truth or dare!! Anyway, like everyone else says- Vote, Comment, and Follow! Oh and shoutout to my AMAZING cousin, AnotherInsaneFangirl, for helping me with this!! Oh and if you have any ideas for the truth or dare comment them!! Mhkay bye now!!

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