Chapter 3 ^_^

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Hai!!! Im so sorry it took so long!! I had insane writers block and I still sorta do! Im sorry its so short and everything! Anyway, disclaimer! I dont own any characters except Enna-Daughter of Hades(me), Storm-Daughter of Zeus(@AnotherInsaneFangirl), and Trist-Daughter of Aphrodite. Mhkay proceed reading!


Percy's POV:

"ATTENTION, EVERYONE! THE BEST GAME OF TRUTH OR DARE EVER PLAYED AT CAMP HALF BLOOD IS ABOUT TO BEGIN." I stand in the doorway of Cabin 3, in front of pretty much all my friends. Piper and Jason sit next to each other, both of them grinning stupidly. Storm, Enna, Trist and Katie all sit together chatting about who knows what. Leo, Travis and Connor are engrossed in a conversation. The very idea of what they might be talking about makes me nervous- a prank pulled by just one of them was bad, I don't even wanna imagine something the three of them could conspire. Annabeth walks over and joins Storm, Enna, Trist and Katie.Grover enters with Nico who walks in nervously, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket. I smile warmly, welcoming the younger boy and my best friend. Nico hurries over to Piper and Jason who engage in conversation happily. Grover shrugs and joins him. Everyone's here. "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" I announce, smiling wickedly.

Leo's POV:

"Who wants to go first?" Percy asks "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I yell, jumping up and flailing my arms everywhere, almost hitting Percy's stuffed Nemo toy. I hear people snicker at my hunger games remark "DONT HURT MR.CUDDLES!!" Percy grabs the toy, hugging it to his chest "MR.CUDDLES DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU" At this point everyone is laughing and Percy's face is getting redder by the second "Yeah, okay, whatever, it was funny we get it let's just play." Percy mumbles as I wipe an imaginary tear from my eye "Ok, ok, hmm.. I choose..Jason! Truth or dare?" "Dare" I gotta think of a good one for him, he let Clarisse beat me up! "I dare you to call me 'Your royal hotness' for the rest of the game" I say with a smirk "Fine whatever 'Your royal hotness'" Jason says with as much sarcasm as he could "It's my turn"

Storm's POV:

I could tell Jason was thinking of a way to get Leo back "Storm, truth or dare?" I hesitate, I don't want to be a part of his revenge on Leo but I don't want to be the first one to say truth "Dare.." "I dare you too put a toothpaste mustache on until I say you can take it off" That's a weird dare but atleast it's not embarassing "Uhm okay?" I head to the bathroom to put it on and come back out to laughter. Percy's face is red "What did I miss?" I ask 'I wasnt gone for that long was I?' Annabeth motions me over to see what they're all laughing at and as soon as I see it, I bust out laughing! I think to myself 'I know what dare Im giving next!' "My turn!!"


Hai again! Im thinking about maybe just stopping this? Cause its getting shorter and its not good and I cant think of any truths or any dares and just yeah..I dont know, comment what you think I should do! Mhkay bYe! I'll try to update sooner this time!!

Percy Jackson: Truth or Dare (With a twist)Where stories live. Discover now