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A/N - I wish I was joking but I'm not. This really is the last chapter of the story. I wanna write more but I'm not ready for sequels yet because they take a lot of thinking and time. In this last chapter there will be a huge time skip to where you and Hiruma are older.

Enjoy the last and FINAL chapter😢😖😭

D/N daughter's name
S/N son's name

Nobody POV

" ( Y/S/N ) what did I tell you about messing with your father's things! Put it back! " You were giving your son another long boring lecture about why he shouldn't be using Hiruma's guns while your daughter sat down at the kitchen table reading a random book. " But mom it's not fair how D/N gets to keep one and I don't! " Said the almost seven year old boy. "You're too young to have a gun! Your sister got one because she is 16! Even if she isn't an adult she is mature enough to have one!" You told your son as he pouted. S/N had all of Hiruma's looks but the only thing that was different was that he had your eyes. Your daughter looked more like you but acted a lot like Hiruma in a way that irritated but at the same time amused you. A few seconds of silence later you hear the door open. "Daddy's home!!! Said S/N as he ran to the entrance of your home. You giggled at his change of mood and followed your son to the door greet your husband. " Hey you. Have you been good today? " Hiruma asked picking the boy up into a hug. "Yes! But I got mad at mommy...." "Where you messing with my guns today?" he asked putting S/N down on the floor. "Ummm yes." he said looking down in sadly. Hiruma ruffled his hair and when his eyes landed on you he gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You finally noticed me?" You asked giggling. He just laughed. "Where is D/N?" He asked putting his stuff on the floor near the door. "Kitchen" You pointed to the kitchen and Hiruma thanked you before walking to the kitchen. "Hi dad" D/N said not taking her eyes away from her book. Hiruma just pet her on the head since his daughter wasn't really the hugging type and went to his room to settle down.

( Time skip )

"Alright! It is time for bed young children! You have school tomorrow!" D/N went straight to bed because she was tired and S/N complained. "Aww!! Can I stay up a little
longer?" he asked you pulling your arm. "Okay.. But if you don't go to sleep now you wont get your ice cream tomorrow." As soon as you said this he quickly said good night and went to bed. You chuckled going to your shared bedroom where Hiruma was waiting. "How was your day Y/N?I wanted to ask you sooner but I got distracted with S/N." Hiruma asked as he got into bed with you. "It was busy but it was good at the same time." You said snuggling Hiruma's arm. He smiled and pulled out his phone. He was scrolling through his social media feed. "Hey Y/N loo-" he stopped what he was saying to see you already sleep while still keeping a grip on his arm. He sighed with a small smile. Then he took out his phone and took a picture. "New screen saver." Hiruma said putting his phone away cradling you in his arms.

" I'm sure glad I met you. " Hiruma thought as he fell asleep.

Hello. I know this chapter is short and full of crap but my idea for last chapter was gone so I just wanted to write the last chapter while I was still thinking about the story. I'm really sorry this last chapter was short. But hey. I'm not good at last chapters. I hope you enjoyed this book. Check out my other books that I'm working on.

If you have any idea for a new x Reader story please pm me. Or Idk comment on my page!😁😁


Devil's First Love ( Hiruma X Reader ) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now