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Christina couldn't wait for the perfect moment when she would unveil the song she just composed. Christina was off-the-walls-estatic. Almost as estatic when she met Stacy Orrico. 

Finally, after 2 hours of waiting, Bria woke up, 

        "Good morning Herm(short for Hermit) you obviously woke up on the right side of the bed. What's happening?", Bria said groggily as she rubbed her eyes.

        "Oh well, I don't know", Christina said nonchalanty,"I just wrote a pretty decent song". 

        "Oh, really," Bria said condescendily, raising her eye brows. 

        "Yes, really. But I didn't record anything on my computer yet because you were asleep. but I wrote it down in my notebook. Here," Christina said as she handed Bria her notebook a Frand made her. 

        "Mhm, mhm, mhm", Bria said/moaned, reading the song, "I have a feeling this vaguely relates to me."  

        "It does if you want it to," Christina said as she walked by, nonchalantly grabbing the notebook out of Bria's hands. 

        "I must say, this is a marvelous song you got there."

        "Thanks, I'm gonna go shower, we have a big day ahead of us." 

Christina got into the shower, a big grin appeared on her face,  and thought to herself BRIA LIKED IT!!

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