Bad Dare?

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Based off this prompt. Couldn't find it when I wrote this so that's why there's slight differences. Enjoy!


"M'kay, Dean, truth or dare?"

"Dare." I knew it wasn't smart, Crowley always thought of the worst-best dares. Worst-best as in they were really inventive, but tended to be extremely humiliating. Hilarious for everybody else though.

"Somebody has a death wish~" Crowley looked around the room at the party still going on outside of our little corner. It was just five of us sitting there, me, Benny, Crowley, Lisa and some other girl who I think was Benny's girlfriend.

"Oh, I got a good one. So y'know Castiel?"

Did I know who?


Everybody knows Castiel.

Hot, senior, Castiel.

Oh, not to mention slight homosexual

"Yeah. 'Course. Who doesn't, he has girls throwing themselves at him. Even though he doesn't want them, he still has them."

"Alright then. Squirrel, I dare you to go get his number. Using pick-up lines," he said, and you could almost hear the other's sympathy.

"Sure. Not sure why him, and not some hot chick, but sure. What could go wrong?"

Turns out, everything could go wrong.


Walking over to Castiel, I felt nervous. In all honesty, I really didn't know why. I mean, sure, I myself was a tiny bit gay for him, but so was every other guy with eyes. And ears.

Of course, every other guy doesn't get dared to use a pick-up line on the guy known to try get into every guy's pants, but a dare is a dare, and I sure as hell wasn't doing a forfeit.

So, walking over, I went over some of my popular lines, ones that worked almost every time. I decided on a classic, one that I normally saved for one night stands with girls.

Castiel was leaning against a wall, not talking to anybody, which made this whole thing much easier.

I finally reached him, and he looked at me, probably wondering why on earth I was over here. Wanting to do something before I got too nervous, I introduced myself. "Hey, I'm Dean," I said flirtatiously. It wasn't my first time flirting with a guy, and definitely not my first time being dared to try get in somebody's pants. Even though I just had to use a pick-up line this time.

"You know who I am," he said, sounding bored. Well, better now than never. I already had my own number on a piece of paper in my pocket, so I could at least give him mine. He was pretty cool, after all. I took a deep breath.

"Well, Cas, I just got a new mattress, do you want to help me break it in?"

Oh, the look on his face when he realised what I meant. He kinda looked shocked, before saying "It'll take more than that to get my pants, Dean. I may be gay, but I still have standards."

Damn it. I was hoping it wouldn't take long. "Well, I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?"

This time he started laughing. "Cheesy much? How old are you kid?"


"Well, that's a little better," he muttered, more to himself than to me.

"Why don't we get a room, you can take your clothes off and show me how angels hide their wings."

That one got him. He seemed to be taking me seriously, and asked me for a pen. Knowing this would happen, I took one out of my pocket. He were his number down, and put it and the pen back in my pocket for me.

This was fun, and from where the others were sitting they couldn't see I had done it. Why not keep going? It's not like anything was going to happen.

Stuff happened.

Castiel saw me glance over to my group, and he looked almost disappointed. "A dare? Really?" He said, and turned to walk off. The others had gone back to playing now, not able to hear what was happening. I grabbed his wrist, and he looked almost mad. I dragged him into an empty room, which I'm surprised still existed, what with how many people had gone off to get laid.

"Cas, yeah, sure, I was dared to get your number, but you're kinda cool anyway, and like really hot..." I mumbled the last part, and really hoped he didn't hear it. Apparantly he did, because one moment I was standing by the door, the next I was being pressed against a wall by Cas, one arm on the wall and the other on my chest.

"What was that, Dean? Did you call me hot? Because it seemed you did. So of you did, you won't mind me doing this."

He pressed his lips to mine, and I kissed back eagerly. He moved the hand on my chest up, and soon he had a hand pretty much on top of my head, grabbing my hair and tilting my face down to his. My hands, previously at my sides, moved as well,  feathering along the edges of his shirt before moving up, under his top. I felt all the muscles in his back and stomach, and he moaned into the kiss. I put a hand on the back of his neck and another at the small of his back, pulling him as close to me as possible.

His tongue swiped across my bottom lip, and I opened to let him. Our tongues battled for dominance, but he won, pushing his tongue further into my mouth and exploring it. At the same time, he had moved his hands again, and they were feathering down my sides. Unable to contain my self, I pulled my shirt off, and began trying to get his. He helped me, and then we were both shirtless, and he kissed me again, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried us to the bed, him lying on top of me. He moved his lips from mine and moved to my neck, kissing and sucking and biting like no tomorrow. I moved my head to give him access, moaning in pleasure.

His hands were wandering, and mine were too, and soon we had taken off everything else, and you can guess what happened next.


Lol no smut for you, can't write that stuff. Anyway, hope you liked it.

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