Early in the morning

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I woke up and saw aphmau beside me.I yelped in surprise and fell out of my bed.Opps i forgot she was here.
"{Y/N} are you ok!?" Aphmau said looked over at me."Y-yeah im fine" i got up and looked through my closet.
"Hmm what to wear to day.."i said to my self. Suddenly i felt someone hug my waist."thanks for letting me stay here" aphmau said letting go.
"No problem"I picked out my clothes and got undressed.Then i realized aphmau was still in the room.
I slowly turned around and found her staring at me."A-aphmau" i said pointing twards the door.
"S-sorry!" She said running out of the room.
After i got dressed i went downstairs and made some toast.

I looked at my phone and saw i had a text.I opened it and it was from a mysterious person.

MP-Why is aphmau at your house?

Y/N- Who is this?

MP- thats not important..why is she sleeping in your bed and watching you get undressed? Why is she over there?

Y/N- none of you business

I set my phone down and sighed.Aphmau noticed and walked over.
"Everything fine?" She asked grabbing my arm.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was a little bit longer! If you liked this chapter then dont forget to vote!

Bye my nerds~💙💙💙

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