The Original Deserve's Beginning

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Below is the original Deserve's Beginning, written in 2011.

Below is the original Deserve's Beginning, written in 2011

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It was a cold winter night. Heaps of snow piled up around a barn. Inside, a white she-cat lay in the straw, sides heaving.

"You can do it!" insisted the black and white tom standing over her.

"I don't know, Dice." Panted the she-cat. "This is so hard!" Suddenly she let out a thin wail, panting harder then before.

"That's it, Velvet!" Dice meowed, sounding a little panicked. "They're coming!"

Velvet wailed, and a tiny brown fur ball tumbled out.

Dice quickly began lapping at the kits wet fur, bringing his son to life. "It's a tom." Dice announced to his mate.

"Really?" Velvets green eyes brightened, but seconds later she yowled again. The next kit, a white one, slid out.

Dice began to lick this one, as he had done with the last. "She-cat." He meowed between licks as Velvet began to push out a last kit. A jet black shape emerged in the straw. After licking him, Dice nudged him towards the other kits and noticed its tiny white paws. "He's a tom." Purred Dice.

"Is it over?" rasped Velvet. When Dice nodded a reply, She lifted her snowy head and gazed at her kits lovingly. "What should we name them?" Velvet weakly asked, looking exhausted. The kits began to suckle.

"Theres plenty of time for that later." Purred Dice. "Sleep now, my love."

A few days later, the snow had begun to melt, and small signs of spring began. Dice was padding into the barn, a sandy colored fresh caught mouse in his jaws.

Velvet lifted her head as her mate appeared. "Is that a mouse?" she purred. "Thanks Dice, I'm starving!"

It had been three days since Velvet had kitted. Dice had been working hard to catch prey for her, because Velvet did not know how to hunt. Together Dice and her had named the kits. Velvet had suggested Song for the she-cat, after the singing birds in the morning. Dice had named the tabby tom Boost, after his dead brother. But one kit remained. As Dice dropped the mouse at Velvets paws, The unnamed Kit lifted his tiny black head. He began to stumble towards it, his white paws awkwardly wobbling. He sniffed the mouse curiously.

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