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Camila's POV*

We're currently sitting at Laurens house holy shit, she is so rich.

We're all sitting in a circle playing truth or dare, everyone has been picking dares and I think I am going to pick truth next.

"Lauren, Truth or Dare" Luis asked.


"Is it true, that you wouldn't go on a date with me"

"FULL BLOWN LESBIAN MATE, please do I need to get it tattooed on my forehead to remind you?" She asked.

Sassy Lauren is a Sexy Lauren, I started laughing really loud and everyone looked in my direction, I put my head down feeling the dark shade of red appearing on my cheeks.

"Normoaaany, truth or dare?" Lauren questioned, I chuckled slightly at the sexual name, Nor'moan'y, hehe.

"Dare" She replied easily and I saw Lauren smirk, god she is so beautiful.

"I dare you to kiss Dinah, for 15 seconds" Lauren replied giving Normani a sly smile.

I looked over at Dinah, we made eye contact and I winked at her and she smiled at me giving me the thumbs up.

Normani lent over and grabbed Dinah by the collar of her shirt and got in a make out session that lasted for 40 seconds whilst Luis, Zayn, Lauren, Lucy, Vero and I were wolf whistling trying to embarrass them, because Dinah had told me how she thinks she might have a developing crush on Normani so why not go for it right?

"Truth or Dare, Camila?" Normani asked with a sly smile.

"Truth" I saw her smile drop for a second then re-appear.

"Who was your first kiss?" I felt my cheeks growing red at the question.

"I haven't had it, no girls have been interested in me" I laughed off the question to hide my insecurity.

"Dinah, Truth or Dare" I asked.


"How was that kiss aye" I asked giving her a wink.

"Mhmm, great" She replied to me, giving me a subtle thumbs up whilst Normani blushed causing us all to laugh.

"Lauren, Truth or Dare?" Dinah questioned, fuck.

I know what she is going to say if she says dare, NO NO NO N-


"I dare you to kiss Mila, A full on make out, it's her first kiss so make it a good one" Dinah winked at Lauren whilst Lauren smirked back.

Lauren made her way over to me and straddled my lap, her hands running up the sides of my face into the hair above my ears pulling me into her.

My arms snaked their way around her waist and finally our lips met, I trapped her upper lip between mine as she sucked on my bottom one, her tongue slide over my bottom lip causing my mouth to part, allowing access for our tongues to meet.

Her tongue met mine in the middle for a fight of dominance, she won causing me to let out a little moan, she started going slower until the kissed stopped in our lips just barely grazing eachothers as we left our foreheads touching, forgetting everyone was in the room, she pecked my lips again and I was going to pull her back in for more until Vero broke us from our trance.

"GET SOME JAUREGUI AND CABELLO" She shouted causing me to blush and Lauren to flip her off.

soon it was around 8 and we decided now was the best time to order some pizza and eat it on the beach.

We walked down to the beach and I took off my shorts and tank top, now just in my bikini and made the mistake of looking over to Lauren, god she is beautiful, obviously and shamelessly checking her out from a distance I went from her immaculate face, down to her perfect sized breasts, that caused impure thoughts and all the way down to her huge butt, god the impure things I'm thinking are just getting me hot and bothered.

"Like what you see Cabello?" Lauren caught me checking her out, and made her way over to me.

"And what if I do Jauregui?" I challenged.

"Hmm, you're cute"

"You're beautiful" I replied mindlessly.

"Hm, as I said cute. Go on a date with me" She demanded.

"AW AREN'T YOU CHARMING" I shouted playfully rolling my eyes.

"Oh sorry Ms.Cabello" She got onto one knee "Will you do me the royle honer, of accompanying me to a date" She added, playfully with a pout that made my knees buckle.

"Of course my prince" I teased, patting her lightly on the head before grabbing her hand to help her up and lead her over to the water.

We walked in to our waists and I had a 'good' idea, wrong choice.

I splashed Lauren with some water and then swam away as fast as I could to Dinah.

"CABELLO YOU'RE SO DEAD" I heard Lauren shout coming after me.

"CHEECHEE SAVE ME PLEASE" I exaggerated to Dinah "She's going to kill me" I added giving her  puppy dog eyes and a pout.

"You're on your own dawg, sorry Chancho, I'mma go talk to Normani and ask her on a date" She winked at me.

"Bitch, oh well... good luck, if we're not back in 15 minutes call the police" I told her playfully as she was swimming off.

Suddenly I felt something grabbing my thighs and I was lifted out of the water, with my eyes close.

My eyes fluttered open to see the most mesmerizing Emerald Green orbs.

"What, did you think you could pull a trick like that and get away with it?" The green eyed beauty questioned playfully, holding a my gaze.

I nodded my head, "What do you want from me, we can make a deal?" I questioned with a pout.

"Hmm, I am intrigued, continue"

"What do you want from me" I questioned "I'll do it" I added.

She stood there for about a minute thinking, before she finally had a smile growing on her face until her lips met her eyes in the most child like grin I have ever seen.

"Kiss me" She whispered looking at my lips, I was shocked but I was more than happy to oblige.

My legs were wrapped around her waist as my arms found their way, locking themselves behind her neck pulling her in for a kiss.

We both smiled into the kiss, I trapped her bottom lip between mine and sucked on it slowly and nibbling on it a little bit, my tongue grazed over the lip again and she separated her lips and I shoved my tongue into her mouth into a passionate kiss, fighting for dominance surprisingly this time I won, causing her to moan into my mouth which may I add is the biggest turn on.

We finally broke apart the kiss, I peppered her lips with little kisses.

"Mmmmm" She mumbled into my lips.

"Are you sure I am your first kiss?" She questioned


"You sure don't kiss like it, holy fuck you're a good kisser"

We made our way out of the water and went back into the house to meet the other girls in their, all the guys and some of Lauren's friends left so it was only Lauren, Dinah, Normani, Ally and myself.

We decided to put in a movie in Laurens home theater, they all wanted a horror movie where as I am absolutely terrified.

They put on Mama, and I whimpered and hid my head in my legs, then I felt a kiss on the top of my head and an arm around me.

"Shh, you'll be fine. I've got you, you're safe" Lolo whispered and kissed my forehead.

I snuggled upto Lauren, and ended up falling asleep there to the sound of her heartbeat, it soothed me.

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