Hurricane Katrina? More Like Hurricane Tortilla.

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Thanks guys for the views! I DO NOT OWN BEN OR ERICA ONLY THE PLOT. Enjoy.


"Uhhh where am I." The guard grunted as he tried reaching his hand to cover his face. "Huh?" He asked and his bright blue eyes focused on us "You." He growled as he struggled in the ropes.

Ben looked at me and I looked at him, he got up and paced in front of the guard.

"Where are we?" He asked stopping in front of the guard. The guard yawned and replied "On Earth." Ben smiled "That's funny." but Ben's face became more serious as he asked again "Where are we."

"Florida." The man responded Ben frowned and said "I knew that." The guard sneered and growled out "Why would I tell you?" Ben pulled out a vase from nowhere and began shifting it around in his hands.

"It hurt, didn't it." Ben asked as he raised an eyebrow at the guard.

"Everglades, north side." He rushed out as he put his hands in front of his face. Ben grinned and gently set down the vase.

I really have no idea what's happening I'm so used to threatening with a gun and Ben just held a vase.

"Ben." I whispered grabbing his wrist and pulling him to me. "Yeah?" He whispered back. "Your good cop." He groaned and whispered back "Why?"

"Seriously?" I asked annoyed as I looked over at the guard. He was staring right at us and he didn't look scared.

"Fine." He grumbled as he picked up his gun off the ground. He loaded the magazine and popped it in his gun.

"Can I go now." The guard asked as Ben approached him. "Yeah sure, but first who are you working for."

"Why would I tell you." He asked his eyes narrowing and his gaze kept flickering to the exiting door of the office.

"I have a pretty mean bad cop." He replied and I stepped forward.

He laughed shaking his head nodded his head to Ben's gun. "You look like a bad cop, to me."

"Okay let's start this easy, what's your name." Ben asked as he primed the gun and rested it on the guard's head.

"James." He replied and Ben patted his head.

"Favorite color." Ben asked



"German Shepherd."

"Ben." I started annoyed with the questions



"Interesting." Ben said with a laugh

"Your job?"

"Making sure those demon things don't escape. SPYDER is sending them to US enemies for-" James started but realized what he was saying.

"Finish your sentence James." Ben growled as he pushed the gun harder on James's head.


Ben's hand clenched and a loud bang went off and James slumped forward dead. "Oh shoot I thought the safety was on." Ben mumbled as he pulled the gun away and looked at it.

"Idiot." I said face palming my face and Ben's shoulders slumped. I looked at the boy I knew for 3 years. He's grown taller and stronger, his curly hair he had gone. Now it was messy and short. "Look." I began taking a step closer to him he looked at me his forest green eyes dim.

"I'm sorry." He rushed reaching out and wrapping his arms around me. I stood still surprised by his actions. His embrace was tight and I didn't want to leave. I felt safe in his arms and I could feel his head nuzzled in my neck. The world stopped on its axis and nothing mattered to me. SPYDER agents could of barged in and I wouldn't move a muscle. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around him.

We finally untangled ourselves and I felt cold and lonely. Ben's face was red and he mumbled "Please don't kill me."

I looked at him, studying his features. I guess I was creeping him out so I looked away and said "Your fine. Just... don't tell anyone."

He smiled softly but I frowned knowing he would take that hug the wrong way. We are friends, and only that. I knew this mission was the most dangerous one yet so I can't get attached. 


After Erica left, I pouted and waited a little while, then I followed her. By wait I mean I literally waited 3 seconds. Yeah it took me that long to get down that dumb hole. I also fell 4 stories saving Erica and saving me an hour's descend. I also managed to cut myself on practically every square inch of my body, oops. But hey, that doesn't matter because I hugged Erica! I mean come on! I can't tell anyone or she'll rip my limbs off one by one, but still.

I felt like an idiot for always screwing up on missions I feel terrible with myself. Even now following her through hallways makes me fear I'm going to screw that up.

I was too busy scolding myself I tripped on my own feet and feel flat on my face. I groaned and Erica just glanced back at me. I picked myself back up and ran after her.

"Idiot." She mumbled as she stopped at a intersection in the hallway. I smiled and asked "You remember what happened the last time you said that?

Erica picked up her pace and called at me "Ben, I'm serious." I frowned catching up to her. We kept walking when we heard a loud bang we both stopped in our tracks. "That's not good." I said as we picked up our pace rushing through the hallway. Then the lights went out I have no idea where Erica went because I was pretty far behind her.

"Erica?" I asked calling out into the darkness. My heart practically stopped I was terrified of the dark. Ever since the assassin got into my room I've hated the dark. I stood hands clenched shaking for 10 more seconds when a hand brushed my cheek. I grabbed it tight not knowing who it was. The person yelped and hastily whispered "It's me!"

"Sorry, you scared me." I responded as I let her hand go.

"I'm impressed." The computerized man said making us both jump five feet in the air. "You came back, and are still alive." He sighed out but then his voice became more serious "It was a mistake coming back."

"Isn't it Ben?" The man laughed and he said again "Facing your fears, eh."

"How..." I stuttered and Erica's hand blindly tried reaching for mine put she ended up grabbing my neck.

"I know you Benjamin, your fear of the darkness. You'll suffer it, oh you will." He said with a laugh.

"Ben." Erica blindly called out as she bumped into me. I grabbed her and I think my hands went around her waist. As soon as I placed them there Erica pulled them off.

"Your scared of the dark?" She asked and I responded with "Yeah."

She grabbed my hand and I squeezed hard. I bet my hand was sweaty and gross and my crush who hates me is holding it. Why I was worried about that beats me but once I heard sirens I instantly worried about a new threat.

"What's that for?" Erica asked but I didn't care and I pulled her into a room. I was walking with my hand on the wall and I brushed a door handle. I closed the door silently and I closed my eyes afraid where we were.

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