chapter 2

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Colby pov

" do you know what a hellhound is?" this guy asks he walks around Sam and I " it's a demon in a form of a dog" he explains. " they feed on anything they can find." he says " so I'm gonna use you guys as bait to get this precious mutt and lock her away until the rest of what's left of her kind comes here and we kill them all."he continues. He grabs a knife off the table infront of us. He walks to Sam and takes sams arm and cuts. Making at least 3 or 4 small cuts, " once they smell your blood they will always know the smell of YOUR blood and when they get a taste, they won't be able to control their hound" I look up at sams face and he was crying,his face turning red, the man walks over to me " and she already has the smell of your blood" he says before stabbing the knife into my left leg, I tell out in pain and the guy shoved me out of the chair and into the ground,  "speaking of the dumb mutt" I hear him say I then heard a growl and then a loud bang. I look over to my right and seen KC looking at me, she's human, she silently told me something and turned her attention back to the man and said " im tired of you hurting innocent people that I get close with David and now Your time has come to repay for what you have done" I heard a low demonic growl and I seen KC was no longer human, she was a dark figure in the shape of a dog, I look at Sam and he was looking at her too, he looks back at me with a horrified look, I turn on my back and looked at my leg, blood running down staining my light blue skinny jeans, I grab the knife handle and tried pulling it out, once I got it out I tried making my way to Sam, I look over at KC and she was tearing apart this David guy, blood was everywhere. " we'll okay Sam" I tell him I turn my back to him and he bit into the tape tearing it off, I slowly make my way behind Sam letting him free, he stands up and hugs me

I let go of Sam I turn around, KC is back in her human form " I'm so sorry" she says as she looks at us with hurt in her eyes " I limp over to her and hug her " we're okay" I tell her. She hugs me tighter and starts crying, Sam comes over and joins in the hug. We pull away and she wipes her tears away, I takes my shirt off and hand it to her, she puts it on and it goes just above her knees, "thank you" she says. " you should probably get back to you car before more show up I walk you guys out to the car just to make sure" she says looking down at her feet. "Thank you" I say. We find out way out and started walking through the woods making out way to the car when I hear Sam say something " we should take her with us"
" it's up to her if she wants to, I think that's a good idea." I reply Sam stops walking for a minute and KC catches up to him.

KC pov

"You should come with us" Sam says " go where?" I ask
" back to our place, we have lots of room" he says " I don't know" I reply thinking about it, they don't want a thing like me hanging around. " at least Just come and see the place" Sam says trying to convince me to go. I look behind us and notice the sun coming up
" fine " I say. I look at Sam and I could tell he was excited, but he trying to keep his cool.
We made it to their car and Colby opens the back door for me " if you sit in the back with me I can try and heal your leg" I tell him. He looked at me confused." It won't hurt" I get in and he follows after me, Sam gets in the driver side and starts up the car. He pulls out of the parking lot and goes into the highway.
I look at Colby and he looked like he was in pain " I can heal Sams arm first of you want" I say.
Sam puts his arm back to me and I hover my hand over the cuts. Black and grey smoke covered around his arm and disappears. Sam takes his arm back up to him and rubs it, keeping his eyes on the road "it didn't hurt" he tells Colby " thank you"
I smile at Sam then look at Colby. He turns in his seat and I look at him and chuckle a little " I need you to take your pants off." I say
He shifts in his seat and takes his pants down to the cut. I could smell a strong smell of his blood and a mix of something else I just don't know what. I take my hand and hover it over his wound, the black and grey smoke appeared again wrapping around his leg and disappearing. He looks down at his leg amazed by what happened.  " wow, what else can you do" he asks while pulling his pants back up " I can mess with people's head" I reply "make them dream what ever I want them to dream or daydream what I i want them to. " I say " its apart of my battle stuff, I don't use it tho" I say "why" he asks " cause what ever they dream I see it too but it doesn't distract me  much as them"I explain. " he let me try it on you" I say I look into my lap and imagine the place I use to live at, I transferred it to Colby and I seen him, looking around. I replayed in my head of what happened to my pack, the rogues can and destroyed the place, killing many hounds, then my mom.
" Everything will be okay sweetie"
"Mommy bad guys" I say pointing at the men in front of me " sweetie run back to our secret hide out remember" she tells me. I run as fast as my little legs carry me, I shift into my hound pup to run faster. I could hear the screams of my pack being torn apart, once I got there I hid in the corner waiting until mommy showed up.
But she never did.
I pulled Colby and I put of the dream. He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. He slides closer to me and hugs me.
People see hell hounds as bad creatures, yes when we get the sent of your blood we'll forever know it, yes we can kill anything with legs and can run, we don't kill humans at-least m pack doesn't, the rogue pack does and blames it on us, humans are now scared of us.

when we get there i was amazed at how big the place was, it was a mansion!!!

we all get out of the car and walk up to the door, i look behind me and noticed there were gates, when did we go through those? 

 i look back up to Sam and Colby and they open the double doors "
 welcome to our home" Colby says "SAM AND COLBY ARE BACK" i hear some yell as they run down the stairs " and they brought a girl" this guy says about the same body type as Colby, with blonde highlights "this is Jake, one of our room mates" Colby explains " Jake go tell everyone we have a house meeting" Sam says as he walks into the kitchen, Colby takes me into their garage,there was a table and some chairs set up and posters EVERYWHERE! Colby sits in  one of the chairs and i sit next to him. Sam walks in followed by 5 other people, everyone sits around and this guy with a man bun speaks up " who's this?"  Colby stands up " everyone this is KC" we met her while we were exploring, and we came into some trouble, we met these people, they were bad people, and KC saved us" he says. "wow, are you guys okay????" this girl with long black hair says " yes were fine" Sam explains " Colby you have blood on your pants" this guy with light sway hair says,  " yeah i know, i got hurt but i'm okay now" "these people who attacked us they weren't full human" i speak up. everyone looks at me, i look at Colby and he nods his head telling me its okay. i take a few deep breaths and stand up. "i can tell most you are Christians, so you'll know what i'm talking about, they are what you call hellhounds, but the rogues, are the ones that leave the pack to create their own, theyre weak one by one, but all together as a pack, theyre stronger" i explain " hwo do you know so much about them" Jake asks, i take in a shaky breath and explain " i know about them because i am a hellhound myself, but im not a rogue" everyone looks at eachother and the guy with the man bun speaks up " can youprove to us theyre real?" he asks " yeah" i say "dont be afraid though, i wont hurt you" I speak softly, we all move outside in their back yard.  I look around and seen they had a huge underground pool, a mini bar, a gate that leads to the front of the house. I walk to the edge of the pool and look down into the crystal clear water. I turn around  facing them, I look up at the sky feeling my bones shift and move out of place, I shift quickly and looked up at everyone, they looked scared, I sat down and gave them puppy eyes. the guy with the man bun put his hands behind his head and started freaking out, I look at Colby and he goes over to him and grabs his wrist, and walks over to me,. " KC this is Corey" Corey sticks his hand out and I sniff it, he's human, Corey walks to the side and Colby grabs someone else's wrist and brings them over "KC this is Aaron" I sniff him, human, Colby brings, he brings Jake over and I sniff him, human,  Sam brings over this girl with long brown/black hair "this Katrina but you can call her Kat"

"this is Devyn" Corey says while walking this girl with short brown hair I sniff her , human

"so if she's part dog does that mean we can take her on walks?" Corey says  " COREY" Devyn says "I was just asking"    everyone laughs and we all go inside. "follow me
" Colby says and I follow him upstairs, we down the hall and to a room on the right, he opens the door and I walk in, it has sticky notes everywhere on the walls.  he walks in after me and he opens a closet that was behind the door, he grabs a pair of black boxer shorts and a big black sweatshirt "you can where these for tonight" " I let you change, ill be downstairs" he walks out and shuts the door behind him. I change into my human form and put on the boxers and sweatshirt. I open the door and quietly walk downstairs, I get to the end of the stairs when someone rides by on a penny board. "what the?" I walk around and I heard wheels behind me, I turn around to see Colby riding towards me he stops and looks the outfit he let me use "you look good"  he says and continues riding on his penny bored.

I hear a soft knock at the door so I walk over to answer it when I get close to the door I could a very familiar smell, I took another sniff and I heard my hell hound growl, Colby rides his penny board around the corner and stops, "whats wrong?" he asks

"one of them is here" I reply 

second chapter...... what do you think???

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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