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"Hoseok dear? Can you please come down stairs?" My mom ask from the bottom of the stairs, her voice full of some kind of expectation.

I sigh loudly and push my homework away, I have been done for a little while now, but I couldn't get myself to move.

My whole body feels heavy today, I would actually rather be asleep than awake, but I can't really make myself sleep, it's too much work.

Even thinking about sleeping makes me so awfully tired in this moment.

I drag my tired body, like had I gained 100 kilos within seconds.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and give her one of my what do you want Looks, which always ended up making her annoyed, however right now she is annoying me.

"Don't give me that look young man!" She lecture me, holding a finger up to prove that I am on her nerves.

"Then don't call me down here? I want to see you as little as you want to see me" I sigh, looking at her with tired eyes.

"Can't you behave for once in your life? Do you have to always be like your father?" She respond, giving me a death glare.

"Do you have to always be like grandma? Yeah I think you do! Let me be like my dad and grow up enough to accept me"

"Watch Your mouth" she whisper yell.

"Why did you even call me down here huh?" I ask, wanting nothing but get back to doing nothing.

"I need you to behave Hoseok!" Her strict posture is almost giving her away.

I study her outfit and notice that she is wearing one of her expensive outfits. Her hair is not in a bun and she is wearing almost 5 layers of make up.

"Was that today? Well I don't want to meet him, tell him he can kindly leave again" I say and shrug, turning round to walk up stairs.

"Hoseok! He is moving in tomorrow! You are going in there and you behave nicely! Just like I told you to, or you won't see your father for another month" she threaten me.

"This is so stupid! He will be gone next month anyway" I barely get to finish before a hand swing my way, making a pink hand print on my left cheek.

I hold onto my stinging cheek, feeling my eyes tear up a little.

"You better behave! Go up and fix that! Be down in 5 or you won't see your dad in a year, don't test me Hoseok" she warn me, walking back to the living room.

I nod to myself, this aren't really different from any other day, I just need to man up a little and talk to him like I actually care.

I take a look in the mirror and wait for the red mark to ease down a little, before slowly walking towards the living room.

Mom have made dinner today, which is a big suprise, she normally never cook. I doubt it really is her cooking.

If she really want to impress this dude, I bet she got someone to cook the food and just said it was her work.

Normally she would make me cook for her, since I am a pretty good cook, but not today.

I knew my mom liked younger men, but by far, this man is the youngest one she has pulled home.

24 years old.

How dumb is he exactly? Like do he have some kind of dumbness disorder since he chose to marry my mother?

I sigh and breathe in slowly before walking into the dinning area, unable to see nothing but the strange mans back and his grey hair.

Are you really sure he is 24 mom?

I look down at my feet as I walk up to my seat, not looking at the stranger or my mother for a second.

"Sit down Hoseok, before the food gets cold" she says, as if she didn't just hit me 2 seconds ago.

I nod politely "thank you mother" I respond, pulling out the chair to sit down.

"So that must be your son" the stranger says.

As much as I don't want to admit it, his voice is rather beautiful to listen to, it's deep and unbothered.

"Yes, that is my son, his name is Hoseok. Sorry his behavior aren't spot on" my mom excuse, clearly wanting his pitty.

"Young teenagers are like that I suppose" the man says, making my mom chuckle.

"I am 17" I whisper under my breathe.

"Pardon?" The stranger ask, making me roll my eyes so deep I fear they will pop out my head any second.

"I am 17 soon 18" I say a little louder "I am not a young teenager"

"Sorry kid" the man apologize as I finally look up at him.

As much as I want to hate him, all my hatred for him wash away as I look at him, his features are soft and beautiful.

He clearly is a Model!

His eyes are perfectly shaped in the most attractive way, while his soft baby like lips, look ever so kissable in the light from the old chandelier.

His cheeks slightly round, with a jawline that is sharp and perfectly cut, his nose shaped by angels. Perfectly soft.

"Hoseok stop staring! You are drooling" my mom snap me out of my daze, the beautiful male, looking me up and down.

"I am not hungry" I hurry to get up, the young model already following behind me towards the stairs.

"Wait, Hoseok right?" The attractive man ask, making me stop completely at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes..." I respond, looking back at the male.

Despite him being a model and having the most perfect face, whoever created this master piece didn't care about giving him a proper height.

Even though the male is just a few centimeters shorter than me, but it still seems unreal that I am taller than him! He looks so awfully small.

"My name is Yoongi, Min Yoongi" he introduce himself, shaking my hand lightly before flashing a smile at me.

"Pleasure.." I respond a little unsure of what to say, his beauty almost making me numb.

"Well get back to your youthful stuff! I will go back to your mother"

I nod in response, secretly checking out his ass as he walk away.

Damn his butt is round and perfect, the way it bounce a little in his tight jeans as he walk away make me only think one thing.

I hate when he leave, but I love watching him go!

Too cliche?

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