Chapter 3

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No One's POV

Connor didn't remember when he had fallen asleep, but when he woke up it was dark. He checked the clock that was between his and Lucifer's beds. It read 3:24AM. Connor sighed. He slid off the bed and looked at the window that Lucifer's bed was next to. He decided to sit and stare at the stars. He grabbed his phone and his headphones. He clicked a playlist of his favourite songs and clicked shuffle. The first song started playing. Connor smiled and hummed along to the song

You're a mess
Tangled with your confidence
You think you haven't sinned
Well your unstoppable
Your walls are impassable
I think you're better off looking alone
The boys who chase your hips can just go find their way home
And at the end of the day
You'll think to yourself
"My body is a product being sold on the shelf"
Tell me I can change
Tell me I can change
Well I know you're laying back
Contemplating your own death
Well just look at what you've done
Don't you dare forget the sun love
Don't forget
Cold white walls keep you from your pad and pen
You just wanna stab again
Can't believe it's half this hard
You never knew your mind was dark no
I think you're better off looking alone
The boys who chase your hips can just go find their way home
And you can dig so deep for scars
You never knew your mind was dark
Come on and breath with me ahh
Breath with me ohhh
Well I know your laying back
Contemplating your own death

Connor had started quietly singing at this point, unaware of his one man audience.

Well just look at what you've done
Don't you dare forget the sun love
You look down on me
So casually
In everything I know
You look down on me
But not right on me
Did I break this broken home
Dear diary
Life is trying me
Can I get a sign
Or a two of mind
A piece of mind
Can I get a sign
A sign
Can I get a sign
Well I know you're laying back
Contemplating your own death
Well just look at what you've done
Don't you dare forget the sun love

Connor started full on singing now, much to Lucifer's amusement.

You look down on me
So causally
In everything I know
You look down on me
But not right on me
Is it plain to see
That life is trying me
Life is trying me
Life is trying
Can I think of something
Gotta think of something.

Lucifer pulled the headphones off Connor's ears when he stopped singing. He grinned when Connor looked up at him in surprise. "How long were you listening?" Connor asked nervously. "I woke up around the come and breath with me part." Connor's mouth formed an o. He blushed darkly. "I'm sorry for waking you up, I just woke up and wasn't able to go back to sleep so.." Lucifer laughed and Connor felt his heart skip a beat. "Connor, its fine. I didn't mind being woken up by your singing." Lucifer said. Connor blushed again, causing Lucifer to laugh again. Lucifer got off his bed and sat next to Connor, wearing a blanket like a cape. He swung an arm around Connor and covered the younger boy with his blanket. "Uhh?" Connor said in confusion. "I thought you might be cold. And I wanted to join you." Lucifer said, pulling Connor towards him. Connor blushed, but cuddled up to the other boy as they both stared happily at the stars.

(Hhhh would this chapter count as filler? Oh well, I think it's cute so HERE TAKE IT)

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