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JUNE 21, 2010

"AS WE STAND HERE TODAY, in shock that four years had passed by us so fast, that we actually made it, that we are the future! These years had not only made us friends but family—we all grew unspeakable bonds through these years and its heartwarming to see each other grow but heartbreaking to part with one another." Brie smiled down at the class of 2008 all familiar faces she would most likely never see, one person stood out to her the most her sister, her twin, her best friend and her heart broke as it would be there last time in the same school and Brie would soon be moving away to her dream college.

Brie had finally done it. She graduated, not just graduated but graduated with honors, was valedictorian of the graduating class of 2010, and top five in her class. All her hard work had paid off, they named her most dedicated, outspoken, hard-working, action oriented, and along with some other names. They named her all the things she was and Brie knew it, she wasn't cocky or conceited, she had worked hard for all of those names, for the spot she so longly yearned for. Four years of hard work, getting over her fear of presenting in big crowds, staying after to tutor kids, just being the all around best student and teen she could be.

Recollecting her thoughts with a clear of her throat she continued on with her speech , "I'm so proud to say i'm apart of this class and we are all going far and great places, we'll look back at these times and think about all the amazing achievements we have done and thank our teachers for all that work. We are the youth, the dream. We are the future." Brie smiled while she said the finishing to her to her seemingly long speech, wiping her clammy hands on her gown she found her way off the stage back to the class who was sitting down with their navy blue and black cap and gowns.

A faint blush on the girls cheek as she passed by the first row until she found the row where Nikki was sitting with tears in her eyes; she didn't allow them to fall although they were ready to. "Please don't cry Nikki, You're gonna make me cry." Brie expressed giving Nikki a side hug from the seats they were in.

"Brie, We made it, like actually made it." Nikki whispered wiping the tears that didn't get to fall down her face.

AUGUST 19, 2010

"SO YOU'RE REALLY LEAVING, HUH?" Nikki whispered when her sister lifted the last box onto the truck closing it shortly. It was happening, they was separating after their whole life. They was a matching set, they went everywhere together, did everything together and now they wouldn't do anything together.

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