Just Realizing

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So guys this is my first book.
Hope you like it and sorry for spelling and errors and BTW the picture is of Raine.

(About Me)

Hi my names Raine Lustacious and I'm not normal I'm gay, I was born with snow white hair and I have aqua blue eyes, I'm in the emo/gothic crowd and on top of that I'm a werewolf hybrid. I'm not just any werewolf I'm the legendary white wolf which means I can reproduce and my wolf is mature by 14. My other half is witch/succubus. My witch half allows me to cast spells, incantations, move object with my mind, and I can bend the elements. My succubus part is weaker because I'm 1/2 so I can only seduce people, I can feel what others feel and feed off of people to heal if I need to an I can channel chi to give life back to dying people..

(The Story)

(Raine's Dream)

As i walk into the clearing of the forest and I see the most beautiful black wolf and as i step forward he looks up towards me and then to the moon and lets out a beautiful howl.


I woke up in a sweaty mess god my dreams have been getting weirder lately ever since I moved in with this new pack and this is about the forth night i dreamt of this beautiful ocean eyed, fur black as night wolf and he's calling for me i don't know how i know but i could feel it in my bones that he's calling for me. I know what these dreams mean that i got a mate but the weird thing is only a female may see their mates wolf in their dreams. Its also a sign that he is close very close. After a couple minutes of laying there I got up and went to my bathroom and i got undressed and i got in the shower and i turned the water on i just washed myself while i also just relaxed. When i was all done i got out and went to my closet and i picked out my blood on the dance floor tank top, my black skinny jeans, and i then grabbed my hot pink Osiris and put them on. i grabbed my bag and i walked out to walk to school but silly me bumped into the alphas son Angel. He looked at me and said Raine are u needing a ride? I smiled and nodded and he then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and i was in heaven from his intoxicating cologne. He asked me all sorts of questions like where am i from, what happen to make me come here and If i knew who my mate was which was weird because i haven't told anyone about my dreams that i was having about the black wolf. He also wished me a happy 18 birthday which was nice of him. When we arrived at school he parked and told me to wait while he opened my door which had me blushing like a bitch. He then opened my door and helped me out of his brand new Chevy Pick-Up truck and led me into the school and as we walked towards are class everyone one was giggling and starring at us which i know why its because he is super hot and popular and I'm a toned gothic boy. when we arrived he asked to sit by me.. I looked down an I said he could so he did but i didn't like the glares i was getting from Lucas his best friend. Angel pulled out his schedule and asked to look at mine so i took my schedule out and we compared are classes which we have 6 classes together. We have Math, English, History, Art, Animal Science, and Journalism together which pleased me that we had almost every class together. Angel looked at me and smiled and after a minute i asked what. He then said well your just how i dreamt and imagined you would be. I was stunned but i had to ask what he meant by that. He told me after a minute of thinking he said since he was 12 he had dreamt about me. I looked down and i said since your being honest i think I've been dreaming about your wolf. Is your wolf a pure black wolf with ocean blue eyes? He smiled at that and said yes. The whole time my wolf was scratching at my inside letting me know that we've found our mate. When class was over i told Angel to save me a seat next to him that i had to go to my locker. He winked at me and said ok and i watched him walk away and down the hallway i then turned around and was on my way to my locker when Lucas stopped me and do believe me when i say he was pissed. He started right off the bat telling me to stay away from Angel if i know whats good for me. I looked at him and said I'm sorry i cant he's my mate. He then said yah but whats he want or going to do with a filthy slutty mutt like you. I then laughed and said I'm still a virgin and i know he don't think im a slutty mutt so you can go fuck off. He then chuckled and said look at yourself your so pathetic. I looked him dead in the eyes and told him he's just a waste of my time and started to walk away when he turned me around and punched me right in the face and i stumbled back into the wall holding my cheek and he then said by loser and he walked off and after a couple minutes of just standing their i walked back to class i totally forgot why I was in the hallway to begin with. I walked in a minute before the bell rang holding my face as i looked at Angel i was trying to think of something to tell him because i didn't know how he would react. I sat down and he look up at me and when i let go of my face he stared at the bruise and he said i don't recall that being their who did this and he gave me a i will kill them look and i didn't want to lie so i said Lucas punched me after he told me to stay away from you. His face got real red and he said well i will just have to talk to him. After class i went to look at how bad the bruise was in the mens restroom and it wasn't awful so i went off to find Angel. i then saw him and his back was facing me and Lucas looked at me and smirked and he straight went in and kissed my mate. I felt tears stream down my face as i ran past them. i heard chuckling and Angel yelling for me but i didn't stop i was halfway back to the pack house when Star who is Angels sister stopped me and she looked at my face and said wow so it is true from what Angel tells us that u are a cutie and that's when i started crying and she said we all may be able to read each others minds but it don't take an expert to say or realize that Angel has fallen in love with you way before he knew you. She wipped my tears away with her fingers and said if you want you can walk with me I'm heading back home so you can come with i nodded and we walked back. When we arrived Angels dad asked us what was we doing home so early. Star told him that they sent her home sick and he then looked at me and came closer and said was you in a fight? and why are your eyes red and looks like you have been crying for hours. I knew i had to tell him so i did so i explained my dreams of Angels wolf and Lucas hitting me and telling me to stay away and Lucas kissing him on purpose because he knew i was standing their. He looked at me and said ok and he reached out his hand and i looked at him and i went and hugged him instead I let go and after i did i felt sick and very dizzy i stumbled back and fell as everything went black.

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