Chapter 2.

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Light streams across the bedroom as the birds outside chirp wildly. The heater shuttles warm air above our heads as our cold bodies shiver underneath the big thick sheets. Harry's head is buried into my shoulder as his warm hands stay attached to my bare hips. I laugh silently into my pillow as I slightly turn my head to peek at him.

His eyes are closed and his pink lips are in a perfect thin line. His brown hair is a mess upon his pillow as he snores quietly in his sleep. I move slowly as I place my finger at the tip of his nose. He immediately jerks back, ripping his hands from my hips. As he jerks back viciously, he falls off of the bed and to the hardwood floors below.

My booming laughter fills our bedroom as I attempt to quiet my own laugh with my hands. I nearly forgot that we have a sleeping baby only a door away from ours. Harry groans on the floor as he laughs quietly to himself. I shuffle in the bed and move towards the edge to peer down at a laid out Harry.

"Good morning..." I whisper through my laugh.

"Good morning?" he whispers as he stares up at the ceiling, "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry. I really didn't think it would wake you..." I laugh as I bury my chin into the sheets.

"Ah..." he groans as he sits up, "well, now that I'm up..."

I laugh as I place my hands over my eyes. I've missed this. I've missed us. It was hard there for awhile after Gracie was born, but now we're getting back to where we used to be. This is what falling in love with Harry was like the first time. We were a bit immature but we were foolishly in love with another.

He pulls himself back onto the bed and lightly smacks his hand against my bum. I smile over to him as he lays next to me, his eyes filled with sleepiness. I gently trace his tattoos with my fingertips as he watches me silently. Our room is silent but our actions are loud. This is what perfection feels like. Comfort. When you're able to sit in complete silence with someone and be comfortable with that silence, that's the ultimate level of success in that relationship.

"We should probably get up..." Harry whispers, "we have a lot to do today."

"Please don't remind me..." I whine as I pout my lips.

"It's going to be a fun busy." he smiles through a yawn.

"Preparing our baby for her first international flight doesn't sound like busy fun to me..." I say as I pull myself up and lean against Harry.

"It's her first adventure..." Harry smiles, "it will be a ton of fun."

"Oh yeah?" I laugh, running my fingers through my messy hair.

"Yeah..." he nods.

"Then you can take of her dirty diapers on the plane if it's fun..." I whisper as I playfully push against him.

"You're right..." he laughs, "maybe it won't be as fun as I thought."

"Should we get up?" I whisper as I play with his hair.

"Nah..." he says as he wraps me in his arms, pulling me closer to him, "I think we have a few more minutes."

After a brief run of morning fun, a cranky Gracie wakes us all up with her loud cries and tantrums. I take care of Gracie as Harry prepares himself for the day. After his morning preparation, we switch off as he takes Gracie and I take over the bathroom. We have hours of organizing as we check and then double check to make sure that we have everything that we need before departing London.

Luckily, we get out the door right on time and make it to the airport as scheduled. The other four boys are waiting with a few different friends and family members in the VIP Lounge when we arrive to the airport. Niall immediately takes Gracie from us to play with her as Harry and I check all of our things in and take a seat.

"So this is Gracie's first international flight right?" Liam asks as he watches Niall lift Gracie up into the air as he makes airplane sounds with his lips.

"Yeah and we're quite nervous..." Harry nods as he also watches Niall with Gracie.

"Oh, don't be..." Lou says as she sits next to Niall and Gracie, "I remember Luxs' first international flight. As long as you keep her entertained, she should be fine..."

"Niall, do you want to watch Gracie on the flight? It looks like you're entertaining enough..." Harry laughs as he nods towards Niall.

"As much as I love this little girl..." Niall laughs, ""I was actually hoping to get some sleep on this flight. I didn't sleep much last night."

"Oooh, did Niall have a lady friend over last night?" Liam teases as he makes kissy faces at Niall.

"No, shut up..." Niall laughs, "I was watching all the recaps on the game last night."

"That actually makes a lot more sense..." Harry laughs as Niall throws a pillow towards him.

"Shut up! Just because you have girlfriends..." Niall says as he shakes his head.

"Or wives." I say as I point to Niall.

"Or wives..." Niall says as he rolls his eyes and continues on with Gracie.

With our brief time in the lounge, we're quickly escorted to our small plane. Our destination? Los Angeles. Then after that, a few more cities so the boys can do some media work for their upcoming tour. After all of this, we'll finally be back home in London after nearly a month. Once we're back in London, we have three months at home before we head back onto the road for the tour.

While the next year is surely to bring a lot of fun memories and experiences, I'm nervous to have my marriage and family on the road constantly. Normally it's just Harry, Gracie and I. In a few short months, it's going to be Harry, Gracie and the boys, the band, everyone else traveling with us and the rest of the world. It's going to be scary.

The scariest thing is that Gracie has yet to be photographed in the media. Harry and I agreed to keep her life as private as possible. However, this tour is surely going to challenge that promise that we made to each other and to Gracie. We haven't been too concerned about it in London because the photographers aren't as aggressive because of the celebrity laws in place but in the U.S., they're not that strict.

"Are you nervous?" Harry asks as he squeezes my hand.

I turn to him as he runs his fingers through a sleeping Gracie's hair.

"A little..." I nod.

"Me too..." he whispers as he kisses my hand and leans back into his seat before we take off.

Los Angeles. Please prove me wrong.


Hello everyone! Sorry it has taken me so long to update this! I have been beyond sick and I just found some extra time to write this! I'm sorry it wasn't long! I love you guys! Hope you enjoy! xx Sarah

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