Chapter 5.

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The room is filled with agents, managers and a variety of other people that are included on our team. The room is quiet as we wait to hear word on Liams' arrest. It's already all over the news. Misdemeanor property damage. Our lawyers are working hard to help him get off with the least amount of consequence as possible. Luckily for Liam, the judge will more than likely understand that it was in defense of an innocent baby. It wasn't just because he felt like breaking the guy's camera.

One of the lawyers enters the hotel room, causing all of us to immediately rise. He waves us back down as he handles a pile of papers in his hand. He clears his throat before addressing everyone in the room.

"Liam is going to be released..." he says with a nod of his head.

A slur of happy curses fill the room as a few people high five to the good news. I nod my own head as I look around the room. I feel like absolute shit. Liam got in trouble for protecting my family. That should've been me. I should be the one getting out of jail right now, not Liam. He doesn't deserve any of this.

"Boys, you can go ahead and head to your next interview. They can't ask any questions about Liam so don't worry about that." he nods as the group in the room steadily rises.

We're all lead to an event room that is set up with different cameras and lights. Four chairs sit in the center of the room, all lights on the chairs. It looks odd with only four chairs when there are normally five. It's funny the difference that one chair can make. As I think of the absence of the fifth chair, that negative feeling rises in me again.

The interviewer introduces herself to us before the cameras begin rolling. She's really sweet. She follows the rules and makes sure not to ask anything about Liam. It's almost as if he's been entirely forgotten for the day. It's an extremely odd scenario to witness. The other boys act as usual. Niall and Louis cracking their jokes and laughing as Zayn and I kind of fade into the background.

We're quickly seated for the interview. The bright lights shine down on us, the heat immediately radiating across my skin. Perspiration forms on my hairline and the back of my neck as I pull on my shirt to keep it from sticking to my sweaty skin. My mind races as the interview carries on. Luckily Niall and Louis take the questions so Zayn and I can just nod along with what they've said.

I don't feel like talking much. I can't help but focus on the image of Liam throwing that photographers camera to the ground. I remember the way it sounded as it busted into multiple pieces. Then I hear the rising shouts coming from the crowd as the pushing and shoving continues. Gracies' scream fills my ears as I wince from my daydream.

"Harry...?" the interviewer asks as she squints over at me.

"I'm sorry?" I ask, shaking my daydream further away from me.

"How is touring with your family this time around?" she asks as a wide smile spreads across her face.

My heart pounds in my chest, the organ nearly about to pop out of my skin. I pull on my shirt again. The sweat pours down the side of my forehead as I clear my dry throat.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper as I stand, "I feel really ill."

I run from the set and out of the room towards the nearest bathroom. I find one around the corner from the event room and make sure to lock the door behind me. Sweat soaks me as I tear my shirt from my body. I throw my shirt to the ground of the bathroom as I lean against the sink. Cold water rushes from the sink as I bury my head into the running water.

It feels so good against my heated skin as I rapidly breathe in and out, trying to control the heart that beats out of control. I shallowly breathe as I clutch my eyes shut. In the silence of the bathroom, blistering noise fills the silence. The cameras flashing, the screams, the sound of me breaking down in the center of the situation.

I can't believe that I was so weak when I needed to be strong. I let my family down. I let my wife and daughter down. They trusted me and when they needed me, I wasn't there for them. Somebody else had to step up and care for them when I stood there. Unable to move. Unable to control the situation.

"Harry?" Our manager asks as he knocks on the bathroom door.

I stop the running water as I bring my head up. I stare at my reflection. Water drips from my hair, down my back and face. I'm able to catch my breath before speaking.

"I'm fine..." I say as I nod my head.

"Are you sure?" he asks, "You didn't look okay out there."

"I just..." I begin, "I needed a moment."

"Alright. Well, come back and join us then. It's almost over..."

I lick my lips, pull my shirt back on and head back out to finish the interview. By the end of the night we're all exhausted from answering questions and pretending to be happy. At least I am. I can't speak for the other boys. For the most part, they seem to be okay. Business as usual.

As I walk back to my hotel room, a familiar face heads towards me. A black leather jacket hanging across his shoulder. Liams' face lights up as he sees me moving closer and closer down the hallway.

"Liam..." I say as the two of us finally meet in the center of the hallway, hugging one another tightly.

"Hey Harry..." he says as he pounds on my back with his hand.

"I'm so sorry Liam..." I begin as the two of us pull out of the hug.

"No, no, no..." he laughs as he waves it off.

"No Liam, I feel terrible. You didn't deserve to be arrested." I say as I shake my head.

"Harry..." he says as another smile spreads across his face, "don't worry about it. I'm fine. Everything is fine."

"It's not fine Liam." I say as I shake my head again, "You were in jail! You were arrested today...."

"Yeah, but it was for something worth standing up for..." he shrugs, "I would do anything for Gracie and Charlie. You know that Harry."

We're quiet as we stand in the empty hallway. I just nod my head and smile back at Liam. I'm so lucky to have these guys in my life. I don't know what I would ever do without them. They're not just my co-workers or four guys that I've shared all these experiences with. They're more than that. They're the brothers that I never had. They're my family when my family is thousands of miles away. They're the guys that I would trust my life with.

"Thanks Liam..." I whisper as I put my hand out for a handshake.

"No mate..." he says with a smile, "we're closer than a handshake."

He pulls me into another hug as the two of us laugh together, patting on one another's back.

"So..." I say as we pull out of the hug and begin walking down the hallway, "how was life in jail? Did it change you?"

"Ah man..." he laughs, "I am a completely changed man. I mean, you can't see it but underneath all of this clothing I'm completely covered in tattoos..."

"Really?" I laugh, "Gang signs and everything?"

"Of course! Before they bailed me out I was actually getting ready to get a teardrop tattoo right here..." he laughs as he points to the corner of his eye.

"No kidding!?" I laugh, "You're truly hardcore now Liam..."

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Sorry it's been so long since I have updated this story! I really wanted to update today. I hope you're enjoying this story. I've been working full-time so I haven't had much time to write much lately but that will all be over soon! I hope that you all have an amazing Thanksgiving! This Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for every single one of my readers! Thanks so much for reading my books! I love you all more than you could ever imagine! - Sarah

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