Chapter 6: The Cost of War

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Chapter 6: The Cost of War

Sif and Loki spent many weeks happily together the young couple flourished they both shared their skills she showed him new fighting techniques with her sword play and he would show his use of magic on the battlefield. She was involved in the war council her intellect and cunning nature of knowing the enemy was impressed by most. Yet some who hated her father still did not like the War Goddess and how she gave the King such advice. Both were young he was only several centuries older than she. Yet since Thor had left for Midgard and had left Sif to help in times of war they had to obey.

Asides from the normal issues of court life and politics of old and new at the war table that constantly fueled Loki’s mind was his fear of Sif when she would leave for her rides to the Shield Maidens or sometimes she would not return for days. She would look worn but beautiful as if those silly trainings she did energized her. The Goddess of War could never sit still she always had to be doing something. Deep down the fear she would abandon him or would die in battle finally came through one day when she had been gone for two days on a quest with her younger recruits she was setting the girls up to scout the Vanaheim and had already sent out some of her best to report where they were. The council had been pleased having now Sif so involved with the King meant a better victory. Yet it bothered Loki his pride he did not want her to be put in danger he was King this was his battle not hers.  He met her that evening in the library where they usually retired after long dinners together.

He found her sitting in the library the candlelight reflecting she had a pitcher of cool sweet wine, she looked lovely her golden tunic she had that fitted her every curve with black trim and her leather leggings and golden boots, her hair was loose and down framing her beautiful face that lit up when she saw him she got up to greet him with a kiss and an embrace.

Sif did not know court life this was not seen appropriate to most. Yet to Loki he found it charming but tonight he was in no mood. He had to give her news that he would be leaving tomorrow at dawn with his troops the Vanaheim and Dark elves joined together those that where left and he had to go and vanquish them. 

“My Lord! I thought you wouldn’t come tonight! I have news when I was out with the Shield Maidens we were scouting and took down an entire group! Yet they are coming soo-.”

“Stop Sif, this is exactly what I came to speak to you about. You can’t be going on these quests without me knowing exactly what you are doing! You are vague and when I think you are just training you come back bruised my love? What if something happened to you? I can’t get to you if I don’t know where you are?” 

His voice angered at the way Sif looked so innocent did she not realize what she does to him? Just like when she would run off after Thor and comeback for days in the healing halls. He would not let this happen. Not anymore. 

“Loki! You know I have a duty! I am Goddess of War! We are going to War! Plus I found where that wench Sigyn is! I think she is conspiring and possibly with one of the elders!”

He cut her off, as if nothing she said was important.

“I am not worried about her or the council I am King they oppose me they die! I worry about you!

 SIF! Yes we are at war! Which is why I am leaving tomorrow I need you here to protect the people in my absence. You will stay out of any combat do you understand! Your Maidens I understand that is their duty and we are proud of the support and your strategy has helped, but you are to stay here.”

Her eyes flashed in anger she met his she could not believe he would request such a thing.

“How dare you! I am the Goddess of War! I feel war in my blood I have to go with you! I have to lead my Maidens! How dare you make their lives seem unimportant! They can die for you but I can’t! We all took an oath to protect and swear to the King and Royal family of Asgard! You can’t do this! I will go! I am not a doll for you to protect! ”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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