Chapter 3: The dungeon

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Chapter 3: The dungeon

Sif sat against the wall thinking what she had done to get herself here? Why did he choose her he could have easily killed her he would have if it were Fandral or anyone else? He clearly disliked her for quite sometime hated her loyalties even if he still looked at her the way he used too or was that something she imagined? She tried to recall anything that was different why this was happening In the battle of New York he did one strange act he pushed her out of harms way even though she was still was hurt she would have died.

It was odd to her she just closed her eyes and sighed as the footsteps came. 

“Back so soon my lord? Did you bring that book? Or did you destroy it in one of your childish tantrums? “  Her voice distant she didn’t truly care anymore what he did; she knew now this was just a game.

“Lady Sif I see you never learned your etiquettes always were the cruder of the ladies at court with your boyish manners. You should know to stand as respect when someone of higher class is before you. Allow me to show you!”

He used his magic his power flowing from his hands pulling the war goddess up with ease making her try to grab support as he hurdled her up in the air high and make her drop. He did it several times till he saw her stumble.

“Gained some weight in Midgard did we? So know we have had that cleared up you will submit my lady? You will kneel accept me as your king I will let you live and can live with your brother in eternal banishment in the Bifrost? Or this can be your cell? Your choice, my fair Shield maiden I will say you look most ravishing broken in this way.

“I choose death!” 

She spat on him and kicked him swiftly in the stomach she may not have her sword but she could still fight him like any man she was considered an equal as he let her go.

“Stupid Wench! You dare insult me!”

 He grabbed her by the neck blinded by his Frostgiant coming through his anger ebbed through how dared she insult him when all he wanted was to keep her here with him. He took her by the throat and pushed her against the wall hard leaving a dent in the white prison. She gagged as he choked her he would have snapped her neck at that instant if it wasn’t for her hazel eyes as she begged him. 

“Loki why are you my tragedy?”

He stopped his Frostgiant self left he realized what he had done feeling her fighting for life as he choked her his eyes met hers those eyes. It was the look they had when he knew he loved her and she loved him yet it would never be. He let her go falling to the ground. She gasped for air as she composed herself.

“You are not the boy I knew long ago! The boy who would read and tell me stories and worried about me in the healing rooms! I was wrong about you! I MOURNED YOU!! 

Her voice broken as she tried to sit herself up and looked at him sadly I only chose Thor to forget you! You were married to Sigyn I was a child a foolish child!

“Stop with your lies Sif, you never loved me you always chose Thor and his goons over me. Following like a lost loves stricken puppy. I detest you!”

“That isn’t true! I always loved you Loki why can’t you believe in me? What did I do? You were crazy with power you would have destroyed your own brother! After New York, what did you expect?

He couldn’t even look at her his face pained the memories flashing back he had to control his Frostgiant he was maddened to kill her but what good would that do?

“Loyalty and friendship is all I wanted….”

His voice low he turned to her and used his magic the green aura surrounding her as she gasped and fell to the ground.

“You are no longer Goddess of War you loved Thor he loves mortals! That is what you are!” 

His voice menacing and murderous he couldn’t even look at her, he pulled her up this time she was far weaker and lighter like a broken bird her face tear stained and anguish.

“Look at me! I command you to look at your King!”

Sif refused she looked down her heart shattered he truly had loved her and now she was partially responsible for this, for this monster in front of her the voice that came from her was guttural and cold. 

“I guess I did love the wrong brother this whole time…”

She felt his gauntlet hit her face the pain crushed her she was sure it broke skin as she fell to the ground. As a warrior goddess being hit in battle was part of life she had suffered many injuries but now as a mortal this hurt like no pain before as she flew to the ground. She wept and spit blood refusing to look at him.

“You can beat me and torture all you wish I will never be bound to you! I loved you once Loki, my own fears kept them from me. You can’t hurt me anymore then proving your love was in vain. Your fears are what truly broke this heart.” 

He waved his hand putting her into a sleep for the night he couldn’t take hearing this anymore. He saw her limp body fall to the ground.

“Enough!” He told the guards to keep an eye on her and to make sure she did not want of anything but not a single one of them was to lay a hand on her now in her mortal state. 

“If I see that she has been taken by any of you now that she is weak and mortal, I will kill the entire prison guardsman.  I am watching always!”

He teleported back to his chambers he was upset and angered by her words. His hand bruised from the strike. Why did he do this to her? Why could he not have just been honest? What a coward he was.  

“I had loved you Loki!” Echoed in his mind before a handmaiden came to let him know of a visitor.

“My Lord? I am so glad you found the traitor that War Goddess she was no good!”

That voice it sounded like sweet poisoned honey. The fair woman stood in front of him in whites and gold her golden hair framed her beautiful face with eyes that struck like daggers.


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