Chapter 3

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"Maybe this will clear things up." I receive an adoring smile right before he leans down to kiss me. Surprisingly, my first kiss is in full swing and this boy suddenly means much more to me than I could have ever daydreamed.

Liam's hands begin to move up and down my body. I am overwhelmed by his actions and it's become difficult to think straight. Things are getting heated and I'm afraid the neighbors will come out soon to investigate. I back away and dig through my purse for my keys and unlock the front door. I grab Liam's hand and smile as I lead him through the front door. I hang my jacket and purse in the closet and I hear the lock of the door click into place. At least I now know Liam is just as concerned about safety as much as I am.

I shut the closet door and lead Liam to the desolate kitchen. Instead of turning on the overhead lights, I find a box of matches and light multiple candles throughout the downstairs. Multiple flowery smells mixed with smoke begin to fill the air and I'm not sure if this was an intelligent idea. When I look over to Liam, he is leaning against the countertop, watching me with a seductive look that is hard to resist. I look towards the ground so he can't see how embarrassed and hopeless I really am. And he says I stare too much.

"I'm going to change real quick, feel free to get something from the fridge if you want." He nods and I walk towards the stairs. Once I'm halfway up, I skip steps and run to my room. What the hell am I supposed to change into? As I'm hopping out of my previous outfit, I realize I have nothing that looks the slightest bit appealing or dare I say 'sexy'. Who knows where this night is headed.

While digging through my endless supply of raggedy t-shirts, I find one of my brother's old army shirts. This one has always been a favorite, because of how the earthy green color made his blue eyes shine like there was no tomorrow. What a silly object to represent so many memories, yet I throw the baggy shirt over my head before too many scenes can play before my damned mind.

As I'm walking towards my door, Liam knocks timidly and walks through without my grant.

"I brought you a glass of water, wouldn't want your mouth to be dry in a time like this, would we?" I can't help but throw my head back and laugh way too hard. I'm nervous. I don't know what for, but I hope he hasn't noticed.

By the time I'm calm and collected, Liam's made himself comfortable on my bed. He holds the glass out to me and I gulp it down within seconds. When I'm done, he holds his arms out and I scoot to stand in front of him. I feel exposed. Too exposed, but Liam's hands are comforting me in volumes I didn't think were possible. We haven't talked much tonight, but our actions have spoken much louder than words ever could.

"I like this shirt on you." He simply compliments. I break his gaze and try to concentrate on the old pictures of me and my brother that hang on the wall behind Liam's head. I bite my lip so hard, I will not let the waters escape again. "What's wrong, Eleanor?" He turns to look at the wall behind and lets out the overplayed, pathetic sound of sympathy. "Oh."

I close my eyes as if they were the not so strong barrier that's holding everything back. My mind is becoming fuzzy as it races full-speed down a curvy highway. This night is beginning to take a path with no return.

"I'm sorry," he says as he hugs my waist. Two words I have heard too many times that there is no meaning behind them. I straddle his lap and rest my head on his chest.

I've been sobbing for so long that I didn't notice Liam has flipped me around onto my bed and gotten up. My eyes are blurry and I try to sit up to look for him, but I feel like I'm stuck. My head won't turn and none of my body parts are functioning. The volume of my blood pumping throughout my body is at a deafening power.

I'm too tired to call Liam's name and my vision is hazy from tears, but I see no mistake as he climbs on top of me.

I think I'm screaming at the top of my lungs now for someone that I know will never come. The last thing I can recall as my eyes are drooping shut is a heart wrenching sentence of the voice I had come to love, "Not so innocent anymore."

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