I Made My Peace

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Note: Part 2 of a gift request for Answrs who wanted to see some more friendship rekindling with Arthur and Lewis, but I wanna take a sec to say these two chapters have been really nice to write. While I love dealing with angst and catharsis, it's also really nice to write a solid bonding chapter sometimes. So, thanks for the prompts! This one is set sometime in between Flaws and Laughter Lines. Chapter title excerpted from Keep Me Crazy by Sheppard.


"You said what?" Lewis roared, his bone-plated glove crashing down on the marble slab as Deadbeats rolled everywhere, tittering at Arthur. "Again, again! She walked up and you said...?"

Rolling his eyes, Arthur signed, I said "I want go date me."

"Oh this beats mine by a mile!" Lewis howled, pointing in Arthur's face. "I didn't think anybody could top me zoning out and saying 'Pretty blue' but you had to go do it, Artie! Oh, that one could win you awards if we ever found the right competition."

Are you going to keep mocking me or can I finish my story, now?

"Both," Lewis snickered. "Definitely both. How ever did you recover from that?"

I didn't. I just admitted I was nervous and kept shoving my foot deeper in my mouth.

This was not what Arthur had in mind when he'd come to visit Lewis' grave, but it was just so good to hear Lewis laugh. Arthur sat cross-legged on the grass, watching a skeleton-ghost pound on his own headstone. Being ribbed indefinitely over his fumbled invite was a small price to pay to see Lewis this happy.

When Lewis finally lifted his head and refocused on Arthur's hands, Arthur continued. Then we agreed we wanted to wait to tell you until we'd had a few more dates. We didn't talk over all the details, but it was kind of unspoken that we wanted to see if it was going to work out. Though, in retrospect, she had a lot more riding on that than I did.

Lewis' snickers died off and Arthur dropped his eyes to the headstone.

"Then what?" Lewis asked.

Then I had the picnic all ready to go, and she was surprised. Was really proud of myself for that one. We ate down by the river and just talked about stupid stuff. Normal things. I think we planned some prank on you.

"Oh, was that the time I got greased shoes and an oil slick down the hall?"

Arthur grinned. That rings a bell. I might have smuggled her some silicone grease.

Lewis shook his head. "Vivi was right. I must have been pretty dense not to see this coming. In hindsight..." He shrugged. "I can see the little signs pretty clearly. I just didn't connect the dots."

And then your rage left the door wide open for the Shiker, inviting him to be drunk on your anger and finish the job he'd started with Lewis.

Arthur's left shoulder hiked up to his ear and he glanced away. Arcturus tended to be the voice of his guilt and old fears along with his defensiveness, lately. He supposed that bringing up the guilt before anyone else could touch on it was a kind of defense, but Arthur had hoped he was beyond that by now. Apparently not.

"Hey. Artie. I never apologized properly."

Blinking, Arthur signed, Yeah, you did.

"No, I didn't. We said we'd start over because there was too much to deal with and there wasn't time. But, right now we're here. You and me. And..." Lewis put a hand behind his head, right where the neck should have been. "And last time we were here, I really did almost kill you."

You keep your eyes fixed on the ground, now. You hear his words but it is hard not to recall the feeling of your own skin bubbling away. You didn't know he was the one attacking you at the time, but once you understood, the utter shock that he could possibly think you wanted him dead shook every bond you had with him.

"Would... Arthur, would you look at me? Please?"

Both shoulders rise to your ears. Is he going to take it back if your eyes are the wrong color? Is he going to go tense and silent? Drift away? Wait for the friendlier version of Arthur to come back?

You are torn between the desire to test him out of defiance and the need to know that he won't turn away from you. You lift your eyes to meet his, holding your breath.

His hair flickers and those glowing irises shrink by a fraction, but he holds steady. He's already learned to manage his fearful reactions better than you.

"I'm sorry, Arthur," he says. "I'm sorry I kept trying to kill you, and I'm sorry I burned you here."

Arthur took in a slow breath and exhaled it. Then did it again. Do you remember what I said here that night?

Lewis nodded. "You said you'd catch my murderer," he answered quietly.

Did I do a good job?

"You did better than good, Artie. I didn't even know how far up the ladder it went. If I didn't have a big blue reason for sticking around, I'd be able to pass on now because of your efforts."

A weight rolled off Arthur's lungs and he took in another deep breath. It was like being released from a life sentence. Yeah. I forgive you, Lew.

Lewis reached over and squeezed his shoulder. "Thanks, Artie. But you know, you could have just come to Tome Tomb. I'm there to talk to. I'm not really down there." He gestured at his headstone. "You know that, so why did you come back here?"

Arthur signed his response with a dry expression. Gee. I don't know. Came back here for a little closure but your dumb skull just popped up and demanded I recount my first date shenanigans in the middle of it.

He didn't have time to duck as Lewis swatted him to the ground.

"Yeah, well, with you getting married next week I figured I should have some material for the best man's toast."

Arthur's eyes widened. You wouldn't.

Lewis doffed his skull, his eyesockets crinkled in a positively wicked grin. "See you next week for the death of a bachelor."

"Lewis Pepper don't you dare!" You lunge for him, but he's already behind you, pantomiming a slow motion run that takes him as far as a normal dash. "Using your floaty ghost powers is unfair!" you shout, springing to your feet and taking after him.

Joy is becoming a more familiar taste. It doesn't erase the night terrors or the anxiety, but it does make it more bearable. And with your wedding next week, attended by those closest to the two of you, you foresee ever greater measures of joy in your future.

Yes, you could get used to this.

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