Guardian Bonus chapter -3

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    The Special Investigation Department moved from 4th GuangMing Rd, to 9th University Blvd. The Dragon City University was located just one block away.

    Before they left, Lin Jing dug out his photography gears, a vey professional set of equipments with a super big lens. He took pictures of every corner of the old office building, didn't even leave behind a spider web. He picked some of his favorites, named them <Old place>, and sent them to a magazine for publication.

    ... ... Scared the hell out of the chief editor.

    The unlucky chief editor had to be admitted to the hospital, he reported to the police, said it was an "intentional mischief ". Zhao Yunlan was forced to step out to take care this matter. When he went back to the office, he railed at Lin Jing and gave him a really long lecture.

    Napping, dining, and teasing Lin Jing, became a routine for the entire office.

    The new office was so luxurious, with a bright spacious loft on the top, a two-levels basement. The 2nd level of the basement was a small library. In the middle of the 1st level of the basement was a mahjong game table, with name tablets surrounded. In the day time, the ghost officers would be resting here, those who were sleepless could play mahjong together.

    ... ... That was why people could hear shuffling sound from a locked basement.

    Sun shined warm and softly in the loft. The surrounded walls were coated with sound-proof painting. Anyone could stay here for their breaks, if push the windows open, you could see the entire backyard - a ugly backyard without any landscaping design.

    Since the members of the SID can't agree with each other, each of them got a share of the garden as territories. The style of the whole garden thus was totally a failure, so messed up.

    So Zhao Yunlan took over the entire backyard. He was a young man with a strange taste, all his life had never been close to any type of culture or arts. He turned down the roses recommended by Zhu Hong, turned down the creepers and vines recommended by Chu Shuzhi, turned down the Bodi-trees recommended by Lin Jing ... ... In the end, he planted crops of vegetables.

    There were rape plants, plum tomatoes, pumpkins, green beans ... ... among all the vegetables, there was a single eggplant.

    Zhao Yunlan then said, when the winter come, he would have them all replaced with cabbages.

    After that, no human or ghost had been to this backyard/farm.

    Shen Wei's class was dismissed. The sun was set, but the temperature was very comfortable. He usually would walk to SID, counting in the traffic lights, would took him 6 mins max to arrive.

    All member of SID had a copy of his class schedule, they were looking forward to see him everyday. Ever since Zhao Yunlan stopped partying around and sat in the office from 9 to 5, the "Boss is not here, we can all skip work" situation never happened again. The brand new office couldn't cheer them up either.

    But whenever Shen Wei came, Zhao Yunlan would leave with him. Boss left, the office would be closed earlier.

    Shen Wei just stepped into the office, "Hi Professor, " "How's your day Professor?", everyone was looking at him so desperately, almost like civilians in the war zone were expecting a great rescue from an army. At first, Shen Wei was very uncomfortable about it, but soon he got used to it.

    Guo Changcheng was sitting there day dreaming, Zhu Hong was shopping online, Chu Shuzhi was staring at the stock market. Lin Jin was working on his new type of wiretap, tiny like a baby finger nail, thin like a piece of fish scale, once it got attached on something, it would become invisible, started to transmit.

Guardian, 镇魂Zhenhun, Original  Novel - Bonus Chapters 1-4 English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now