Chapter 1

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Victoria brought her hand up the the doorbell and pushed the glowing button, a ring emitting from the inside of the house. She heard rustling footsteps going down the stairs, the doorknob turned and the door opened to reveal her redheaded friend. "Hi!" Olivia Evans greeted her friend with a warm smile despite the cold air. Her firey hair permed and put in the half-up-half-down style, an off the shoulder sweater in the color periwinkle on her body, blue jeans hugged her legs tightly, and she wore some plain black stilettos.

The brunette let out a chuckle as she examined her friend. "What are you wearing those for?" she asked, shaking her head. Olivia shot her a playful glare, "Mom says that before we can do anything fun I have to go grocery shopping first." Victoria's eyebrow shut up as she glanced down at her own clothes. She tilted her head to the side, "Do I look presentable to you?" She retorted, crossing her arms over her chest. Olivia crossed her arms and huffed, "Yes, you do. Stop whining, let's go!"

With that, the two girls got into Olivia's blue Austin Metro and set off to 'Kenny's Shopping Mart'. Olivia backed out of her house's driveway, she grabbed a mixtape from the coffee' holder and handed it to Victoria. The hazel-eyed girl smiled widley at the sharpied words on the front, 'Abba Hits'. "How'd you get this one?!" she exclaimed excitedly, Olivia smiled, "My dad was a huge fan. Put it in!" The tape was put in and the song 'Waterloo' came on, causing the girls to squeal in happiness.

"My my, at Waterloo Nopoleon did surrender!" they sang, bopping their heads slightly. Victoria pretended to hold a microphone in her hand and she sang into her hand. Olivia shook her head to the side, having the time of her life. "Waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you!" The song had ended and coincidentally they reached the shopping mart. The redhead parked her car and pulled the keys from the egnition, then she looked over at Victoria.

"I know you don't do public settings, but I am not going in that store alone."


"Because the old people in there are creepy!"

"The old people? Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm positive."

"Fine." Victoria rolled her eyes and opened her car door. This is ridiculous, the brunette thought to herself, mentally face-palming. Olivia on the other hand was excited, her friend usually stayed in the car and waited for her to come out, so this was a plus. The auburned-haired girl looped her arm with her friend, a smile plastered on her face. "Why is it always creepy old people?" Victoria complained, earning a slap on the arm, "Shut it you."

Once they entered the store, Olivia grabbed a big cart and set off towards the dry foods section. The girl's hazel eyes widened as she saw her friend take off, "Wait!" she half whispered. Olivia laughed at her friend and patted her on the back, "It's not as bad today as it is when I go alone," Victoria was about to yell at her friend, but she was beaten to it, "Oh cheer up, at least today there's cute guys." With that, Victoria shut her mouth. As much as she didn't like old people, with these cute boys in the store, her friend surely was going to make her talk to one. Old people don't sound that bad right not, she thought looking at her feet.

"Can you go and get some grapes?" the brunette gaped at her friend, "Alone?" Olivia nodded her head, "You're a big girl, I believe in you." Victoria's nose scrunched up in disgust, "Ew. You're starting to sound like my mom, Liv." The ginger laughed, "Sometimes I feel like I have to become you mom because you won't do it by yourself!" Victoria huffed before shutting her mouth. Then, she gave into reality, she had to go get these grapes in order to get out of this store as soon as possible.

Victoria spun around and headed to the grape section, not before hearing, "Oh, and get some cereal while you're at it!" She rolled her eyes and shot up her middle finger at her friend, putting it down as she heard Olivia's laughter. When she got to the fruit section, she saw a boy with brown hair looking down at the grapes. Victoria swallowed thickly, not in the mood to talk to people, so she grabbed a pack of grapes and looked at them, making sure they weren't spoiled. "Those one's are bad." A voice stated making her jump. It came from the boy next to her, he now looked at her, examining her with bright eletric blue eyes.

 It came from the boy next to her, he now looked at her, examining her with bright eletric blue eyes

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"Oh- kay." Victoria replied, setting them back down. The boy still stared at her, making her uncomfortable, "You might want to try the Imperial ones. They don't spoil as fast and they taste good." The brunette's eyes looked up at him, she tilted her head to the side. "You sure do know something about grapes." She told him, recieving a nod from him, "My dad used to work at an orchard for a wine company." Victoria let out an 'oh' and turned to grab the Imperial grapes.

"I'm Wyatt Gold." He held out his hand for her to shake . Holding the grapes with her left hand, she shook his hand gently. "Lodge- I mean Victoria Lodge." Victoria inwardly cringed at her reply. Wyatt smiled at her triumphantly, "Pretty name." She thanked him and looked down a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Well Victoria, I have to go, but I uh will see you around, I guess." She nodded and accidentally blurted really loudly, "Okie dokie!" Wyatt laughed at her comment, then slipped into a different isle.

Victoria had never wanted to jump off a cliff so pationately in her life. She could've said anything in the world like, "See ya!" or "Bye.", but no, she just had to let out "Okie dokie!". The brunette groaned and quickly got some cereal for her friend. She walked around, trying to find her ginger friend, who just happened to be in the milk section. Victoria tapped her friend on her shoulder, "Finally!" Olivia exclaimed, "What took you so long?" She shook her head and handed her the grapes.

Soon, they'd finished shopping and got into a line for checkout. Victoria then started to explain to her friend that she'd met a boy. "Oh! I'm so proud!" Olivia squealed, putting her hands together and jumping up and down. The hazel-eyed girl rolled her eyes once more, "Stop. He's literally right over there." she poitned to a line a couple of checkouts down. Sure enough, there stood Wyatt Gold paying the clerk at a check-out. "That'll be $123, ma'am." The clerk in their line said, politely.

While she payed, Olivia turned to Victoria and whispered, "He's super cute." Victoria smiled, shaking her head. After they gathered their groceries, they walked out to Olivia's car and put them in the trunk. They both got into their seats and drove away, listening to the song, "Take a chance on me" by ABBA. Victoria groane, the song making her think of the strange boy she met in the shopping mart, "You've got to be kidding me."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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