Beep!Beep! Beep!Beep!
Uh. What normal teenager wakes up at four in the morning. It sucks.
I wake up at four because I have to cook,clean and wake up the people who rent rooms in my house.
I am literally their personal maid.
All the money I get from them go to the bills and back in their mouth with the food and house supplies.
After paying for everything I only have about ten dollars to myself. I keep that money in a briefcase with a lock on it. I never check or take the money,I just keep putting.
Oh well. I turn around and glare at my alarm clock. All of a sudden. Boom. Where my alarm was supposed to be was now a big lump of ashes. My alam exploded in my face.
I flinched back. My head started hurting and the room started spinning. My whole body started shaking and my mouth went dry. I felt my body getting warmer. I suddenly felt exhausted and fainted.
shh. You'll wake her up. I heard someone say as I slowly started to gain consciousness. But I'm not sure if it was in my room or not. It sounded like It was in a cave. When I was fully aware of my surrounding. I just layer there, there eyes shot. Waiting for the voice to come back.
Come on she is waking up. Let's go before she wakes up.
I heard that one clearly. So some one is in my room. I started to panic. Not sure if I should open my eyes. Come on open them what's the worst that could happen. The little voice in my head said. They could be theifs, intruders and even worse murderers. The voice in my head went silent.
The room was quiet but I knew they were still there.
I slowly started to open my eyes. "She's waking up. Let's go" As I opened my eyes and looked around the rooms was empty.
As I sat up my head throbbed. uh. Just what I need a head ache on the day I have a math test. Awesome.
I got up and looked around my room for the intruders but i was the only one in the room. I checked my phone. It was. seven a.m.
I'm gonna be late. "Bathroom. teeth. no time to take a shower. Clothes. and clean."
I rushed to the renters room. I opened the door slowly, so she can't wake up. I enter the room to see its a mess. the worst thing was that she was not alone. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
I cleaned the rooms. By the time I was done it was seven thirty. Well that was unnaturally quick.
I packed up my books and headed out the door.
As I entered the school gates I put up my hoody and walked to the cafeteria. I saw Blake and Chelsea talking and laughing in our usual seats.
Blake was the first to see me and ran to hug me. “Never leave me alone with that” he pointed to Chelsea. I laughed a little. They were like this all the time.
After our usual chat that consist of Chelsea telling me the latest gossip and Blake talking about sports.
Chelsea may seem all smart and suffisticated but she's not perfect. She like every other girl has her shallow moments.
Blake himself has his dorky moments. For a jock he is like a human science book. He is a wizard in science. His lowest grade in science was a A- and I find that amusing.
At lunch.
I was looking at the time when i felt eyes on me. I turned around to see Blake staring at me.
This was very unusual for me. No one and I mean no one ever stared at me. The only staring I ever got was when people start to tease and bully me but I know Blake will never do that so I was very curious as to why he was staring at me.
I blushed under his gaze. He chuckled. Liking the effect he had towards me. Stupid me blushed harder. I was probably a red pepper by now. I wanted to ask why he was staring at me but I was too shy. So I just sat there looking at him. Trying to read his features. To find out whats going on in the boyish head of his.
“Ask. I know you want to.” He said in a deep husky voice. To make it worse I blushed harder. If that was even possible.
“Why are you staring at me.” I muttered. Lowering my gaze. Focusing on anything but him. He laughed and kept staring. I blushed even more. “Stop staring. Is there something on my face?”I said starting to get self conscious.
“Because your beautiful when you blush.” He gently stroked my cheek. I blushed again even harder. “Thanks” was my smart response.
Chelsea wasn't even paying attention. She was looking in front of me. More like staring.
I turned around to see to see an angel.
The most beautiful guy I have ever seen. Brown hair and green eyes with a lean body and broad shoulders.
I couldn't stop staring. Behind him were the the queen bees of the school. Kimberly and Mackenzie.
Of course they were there, they always follow the new cute guys. He saw me gawking at him and he winked at me. My mouth hit the floor. I was in Paradise, a guy finally noticed me without making fun of me. Just as the Paradise pleasure came it went. Kimberly followed the new guys gaze and saw me. She seemed kind of shocked and had this questioning look on her face. As if trying to remember were she has seen me before. I have know Kimberly and MacKenzie since I was twelve. After she racked her brain for any memories of me but by the look on her face, this I the first time she knew of my existence. She glared at me and flipped me off. Turning her attention back to the new kid.
Oh no. I am now on her to hate list. I spun around in my chair and sat up. A few minutes later I heard heels coming my way. All of a sudden milk was dropping down my shirt.
I spun up and turned around only to be slapped on the face. I looked up to my attackers to see a smirking Kimberly with her hand raised and a happy looking MacKenzie with a milk container in her hand. “ Stay away from Luke he is mine. ” Kimberly smirked.
Blake came in front of me to shield me but I already sprang to rip those cheap extensions off their head full of air. All of a sudden Kimberly jumped in Blake's arms. “ Blakey bae, that garbage is bullying me. teach her a lesson.” She pouted.
Kimberly use to date Blake. But they broke up for some unknown reason.
Blake looked at her in a disgusted way and said “ I am not your boyfriend and never ever lay a finger on Ella again or Kim I swear to you-”
I tuned him out I was just focused on containing my self. I wanted to hurt her so bad. I was glaring daggers at her when she started choking under my glare...

Teen Witch (On Hold)
FantasyTHIS BOOK IS ON TEMPORARY HOLD. But you can read my other books if ur interested. ~LemonTeaV3