Chapter 2 - Chris

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My eyes light up, tears sting my eyes. I tuck my phone in my pocket, stepping towards her. I haven't seen her, my dear sister, in person in seven long years. It's even longer for her, though. I'm surprised she even recognizes me.

I move my legs towards her, picking the pace up quickly. I was then sprinting towards the girl. She smiles towards me, eyes wet. I am greeted by the warm sun once again. I tackle hug her, tears streaming down, tears stinging my eyes then slowly run down my face. We stay there for a minute, basking in each other's light. It was pure bliss, cut short when she jumped out of my light, just to protect me...

...From her...

Rage fills me as Ash grunts from the knife that has been stabbed through her hand. Blood flowing down her wrist, gasps can be heard from the crowd behind the three of us. I look at Ash's wound then towards the witch. My eyes turn dull as the witch laughs.

"Did you honestly think it would be that easy to leave? Then you are far more idiotic than I thought." Her venomous laugh rings out through the silence. Her smile is sickeningly sweet. She brought herself closer to Ash, bloodlust flooding through her eyes. The witch roughly pulls the dagger out of Ash's hand, more blood streaming down her wound. Antoin stands firm in front of the witch, not moving, flinching, or showing any type of emotion.

Ash then looks up at the witch's dark, dead eyes, "I'll play your little game. If I can bring little Chrissy along." With a clenched fist at the name, we both look her in the eye. I know she wouldn't hurt me, but Ash... She merely smiles towards me.

"You can go in and can take the boy with you too. People of importance will be in the building. They have powers that they have in other worlds, but as usual, they cannot access them in this realm. A little treat from me." She winks with the last sentence. "I will also be watching you, helping in some cases. Sometimes it won't be that easy. You will learn your lesson, you ungrateful bitch." She turns, boots clicking, hair falling, knife dripping. Eyes stinging from the lack of blinking, a tear slowly falls to the ground. Why couldn't we be a happy family?

Ash gently tugs my arm with her good hand. We turn and slowly walk back through the window. She helps me through the window, as I'm still not used to this body. The grass crunched under our feet, the gentle but deafening drips of my dear sister's blood made my heart ache. Each passing second a piece of my heart drops and shatters into the earth. It's resurrected into more and more vile hatred. It makes me even sicker the longer it goes on. As her feet crash into the ground, the piercing sound of shards of glass being forced together fills our ears. It was pain-filled, but only for a brief moment. Looking in the direction of the sound, the glass window had been fused back together. Her soft chuckle filled the air, as the massive waves of relief flooded through me.

"Let's get outta here." 

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