you'll be with me. i promise. 13 x reader

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(You decide to end it all. But there's someone there to stop you.)


Okay, guys, see you next Saturday, then?" Thirteen yelled to her companions (Ryan, Yasmin & Graham) as they walked in their separate directions.

 "Yeah!" They replied, shouting back without turning their heads. 

 The Doctor sighed as she turned back to face the TARDIS doors, tracing her fingers against the door handle, able to finally show her exhaustion for the first time in weeks. After travelling relentlessly in her space ship with her fairly new friends for weeks - or mere hours for Earth - she'd put herself through so much anger, sadness, happiness and anxiety that she couldn't even reveal to her companions, that all she needed was to slump down against her wooden box and take a breather. It was approaching midnight, and as she had parked at a train station because it was the most remote location to her companions' house's, the area around her was deserted and lonely. She appreciated this moment, and decided to take a wander after a few minutes of sitting down. 

 The train station was as she had expected - empty. The Doctor walked down the platform, breathing out a cloud of cold air, watching it disappear into its surroundings. Once it had disappeared, her eyes adjusted to a shadow in front of her. Her eyes fluttered around to find the person casting this shadow, and her heart skipped a beat to find the person casting the shadow was you. 

 You had come to the station with the intention of ending it all. Ending your life.

 For the past three years you had knowingly suffered with depression, however unknowingly, you didn't know how many years. Every single day you'd come up with another reason as to why this is your only option to deal with your problems. It's not like anyone actually cared, right? They just said they did. So you'd come to an empty train station to fulfil your wish. You'd heard it was one of the most quick deaths, and that was frankly what you needed, to get it over and done with. 

 You heard a footstep and turned to your left, your eyes widening as you saw a woman standing across from you. You shook your head slowly, tears building up in your eyes to think that someone is about to watch you die. It was now or never. You couldn't turn back now - there wouldn't be anything to turn back to.

 Screeching across the track as it moved, the nearby train was approaching. The warning announcement was displayed on the screen that usually displayed the times, and a pre-recorded message rung out of a speaker. This happened every so often, when a train came through that wasn't due to stop at the station. You stepped forward slowly, looking to your right to see the lights reflecting off of the track as it came round the corner. This was it. The woman next to you was looking at your every move, telling you words you couldn't hear. You were too focused. Inhaling, you took a deep, long breath and let it out slowly. You stepped forward-

The Doctor watched you step forward, and began to shake her head and whisper, "No, no, no, no.." She repeated, gradually increasing her volume until she was shouting. She watched you step nearly off of the platform, before lunging forward as fast as she could, grabbing your hand and pulling you backwards. It wasn't graceful - you hit your head, the impact knocking you unconscious, the Doctor landing on top of you - but you had avoided death, and that was all she cared about. 

 She stood up, breathing heavily, her lips quivering at the sight of you. She had just met you, but she could relate to you more than anyone would expect. She scooped you up in her arms, and carried you to her TARDIS, deciding it was the best place for you to recover. She placed you down on a cushioned seat in the control room and spread a blanket across your body. She leaned against the control panel, biting her nail, as she looked at you with tired eyes. The Timelord had bee through so much recently, that she didn't know whether she had the strength to give someone a reason to live. But she couldn't leave you here, alone and vulnerable, whilst she was having a nap - you'd wake up thinking this was heaven, or something - so she stayed, and watched; her heart wrenched at the sight of a human feeling like this. It felt too close to home.

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