Chapter 3

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Last night Auntie dropped a bomb on me.

"You're going to school tomorrow."she said at dinner

"What?" I expected it, but yet it still surprised me.

"It is two months into the school year Ev, it's time to go back." My teachers had been emailing me all the work I had to do and that had been working just fine. But I guess here, it wouldn't go so well.

" Do I have to start tomorrow?"


And now here I am, standing in front of the school and waiting for h*ll to freeze over. But the bell rings and I make my way through the crowd to get to my first class.

When I walk in, I see everyone is already seated and the old, balding teacher is staring at me.

"Are you Everly Winston?" he asked excitedly.

"Um, yes?"

"Well, don't say it like a question!"

"Yes, yes I am." I repeated.

"Good, good! Now let's introduce you to the class!" He seemed way to happy to be a math teacher." So what brings you to Meadow Falls, Everly?"

"I, uh, well I moved in with my aunt."

"Who's your aunt, maybe I taught her?" I felt like I was playing twenty questions.

"Emerson Randy."

"Yes! I did! Wow, what a small world." I just shrugged. "You can take a seat, next to Melody. Mel, raise your hand."

I sat down next to the petite girl that had red stripes in her brown curls. Pulling out my note book, I prayed the next 45 minutes would go by quickly.


When the bell rang Melody turned to me and invited me to sit with her at lunch.

"How do you know we have it the same time?"

"It's a small school, all the students have lunch at the same time."

"That would be nice, but I can't, I need to go home for lunch." I quickly lied as we started walking.

"No problem, so I hear your from New York. What's it like there?"

"Its cool, I guess." she nodded in agreement.

"Well, this is my class, so I need to go."

"Okay." She smiled and I walked into class.


The next few classes passed in the same way. I would introduce myself to the class, and some one would be friendly and invite me to sit with them.

They may not realize it yet, but after a few weeks when I wasn't the "new girl" anymore, I would just be the quiet girl, that most people had forgotten about.

That's why I lied to Melody. It's just easier this way. No friends means no drama. If I make friends, I have to tell them why I live with my aunt. And I can't do that. I won't.

Riding the bus home was a unusual experience. The seats smelled of moldy cheese and sweat. Some how it was still my favorite part of the day apart from my lunch in the library. All the kids were sleeping or talking quietly or doing their homework. I wrote to tommy. I've been writing him every day but I haven't sent a single one yet. Not since the accident. I tell him I love him in my letters. I tell him I'm sorry. I tell him how empty I feel inside and that nothing seems to make me feel better. I ask him questions. Why hasn't he written to me. Does he hate me ? Blame me? Because I do. I know it's my fault he's out there not caring wether or not he dies. But mostly I tell him about my day. Just like I used to.


When I get home aunties crying in her room. Immediately I go back outside. There's only a few houses on the street, all seemingly perfect with their beautiful gardens and tire swings. The woods wrap behind the property lines and by the time I get to the last house on the street they look so inviting that I go in. I don't know how long It was before I noticed the sky growing darker. But when I looked around to find my way back, all I saw was trees. I started heading in the direction I thought I came from. My walk turns into a run and then I'm on the ground. Dirt is in my face and my knee is bleeding. Tears start streaming down my face before I start full on sobbing. It's the first time I've cried since the funeral without having to worry some one will hear me and it feels so good.

Once I calm down there's barely any light left in the sky but just enough to see a guy leaning against one of the near by trees.

"W-who are you? H-how long have you been there?" The fear squeezing my chest lightens just a bit when he says

"long enough to tell you weren't crying from the fall." He walked over and offered a hand. I stared at him. "I'm Will. And you are?" Taking his hand I asked

"why didn't you let me know you were there before?"

He shrugged.

"You looked like you needed it."

I didn't know what to say to that. He had dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. He was also a good half foot taller then me. I was 5'4 and he looked to be about 6'1. And muscular. I tried to think back to the boys at school today and to see if he was one of them. I don't remember seeing him but he might not be in high school.suddenly he cleared his throat. Blushing I realized I must have been staring.

"So what's your name?"

"E-Everly " Mentally I scolded my self for stuttering so much.

"What are you doing out here Everly? You must be new to town. Since I don't know you, and I know everyone in this town."

"I was taking a walk and I got lost. And I am. New to town I mean."

"I'll show you back town. These woods can get tricky." I just nodded.

We didn't say much for a while but it wasn't an awkward silence. it was comfortable and peaceful. I don't know how but I think he knew I wasn't ready to talk.

When we got back into town I thanked him and said Id call my aunt to come pick me up. When I turned around to ask I he he needed a ride though, he was already gone.


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