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I let an excited smile spread across my face as I opened the door to the gym. Today was the day! My boxing trainer was finally going to give me an opponent that would actually be a challenge. I was so excited I could barely contain myself. I pulled my chestnut brown hair into a ponytail, and removed the tank top that was covering my sports bra. I chuckled to myself and began to wrap my hands.

After I was finished prepping myself, I went out to the gym to go warm up. I couldn't stop thinking about facing someone bigger than me. This was a big step for me, on that I had wanted to take for months.

"Jade, you're here!" My trainer exclaimed, as he noticed me warming up. "It's almost time for your big fight!"

"I know. I can't wait!" I replied, throwing a few more punches at the bag in front of me. 

"I think you're finally ready."

I rolled my eyes and looked at my trainer. "I've always been ready. You just haven't noticed," I answering, turning my attention back to the punching bag.

He chuckled and glanced at his watch. "It's just about time for you to go to the ring."

I take a deep breath. You can do this. I let out a nervous sigh, and follow my trainer to the ring. It's time. It's finally time.

I've been waiting for this moment since my first month of private training. My dad had taught me how to box when I was a little girl, and it was something that held a special place in my heart.

Almost five minutes have passed, and my opponent still isn't here. Maybe he isn't going to come. I sigh once more. Maybe I got my hopes a little too high.

Just as I start to think he isn't going to show up, a tall, blonde guy steps into the ring. He's very muscular, and is at least 6 feet. He's definitely at least double my weight.

"Coach, are you sure this is the right opponent?" I ask, worried. Compared to all my wimpy competitors, he was definitely going to be a challenge. My trainer wasn't lying when he said this would be difficult for me.

The man is smiling, until he spots me. A certain look crosses his face, but I can't place my finger on what it is. Concern? Worry? He lets out a soft chuckle to himself and whispers something to his trainer.

After a short pause, he turns his attention to me.

"I'm not fighting you."

I roll my eyes. Its not like I haven't heard that one before. I've been training too hard for this, I'm not about to let it slip away like that.

"Why not? What are you, scared?" I taunt, placing my hands on my hips.

"I'm not scared," he replies. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Whatever," I say, rolling my eyes once more. Why am I so surprised? I knew this would happen.

"Jade, they have another opponent for you, if you would rather do that." My trainer says.

I nod, and follow him to a separate ring, where another opponent is waiting for me. The entire fight I can barely get my mind off the muscular guy, and it almost cost me some injuries.

Luckily, I'm much too fast for this guy, and easily beat him. I shake his hand, tell him good fight, and then walk off to my bag. My time training is up, and for once, I'm actually glad. Usually, I stay for extra practice by myself, but today I just want to go home. I quickly pull on my tank top and another sigh escapes me. I'm disappointed. I got my hopes up for absolutely nothing.

I sling my bag over my shoulder, and make my way to the entrance of the gym. As I'm exiting the doors, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and am facing the muscular guy from earlier, who refused to fight me.

"I could've kicked your ass back there," I say, glancing into his soft blue eyes. He lets out a soft chuckle.

"I promise you wouldn't have. And anyway, I didn't want to hurt you." He answers. He places a gentle hand on my shoulder, but I quickly shake it off.

"Whatever," I mutter. I turn back around, and try to walk away from him. He grabs my wrist and I turn back around to face him.

"I'm Logan, by the way." He extends his hand for me to shake it.

"Jade." I continue looking at the ground and ignore his gesture.

"Listen, Jade. I'm not going to fight a pretty girl like you. But I will offer to take you out for coffee."

"I can't, I'm busy." I answer quickly. Too quickly.

"It's not even nine in the morning. What could possibly be so important that it can't wait an hour?" I roll my eyes at him, but a pleading look crosses his face. "Please."

I pause before giving him an answer. "Fine. But your buying it."

Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying this fanfiction! Special thanks to my bff for helping me with ideas for this chapter! See y'all in the next one! Bye

Keep It In The Ring - Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now