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I quickly hopped out of bed, and messily threw on my dirty clothes. I wanted to leave before he woke up. I already regretted what I did, I didn't want to make anything worse. I threw my hair into a messy bun.

Just as I was about to exit the room, a voice spoke.

"Leaving so soon?" He asks, getting out of bed. I slowly turn around to look at him, as he's pulling on his shorts.

"I shouldn't be here." I muttered, twisting the door knob behind my back.

"I know you enjoyed it regardless of whether you should've done it or not," He said with a chuckle.

I don't say anything. Instead, I grab my wallet and phone and leave the hotel as fast as I can. I don't want to spend any more time there then I have to.

As I'm leaving the lobby, my Uber pulled up. I got in and told the driver the address to my apartment. The whole ride, I couldn't keep my
mind off Logan. He was going to hate me. Before I went to the bar, we had a chance to fix this relationship. That chance is long gone now.

It wasn't until I was inside my apartment with the door closed that what I actually did hit me. It felt like a punch to the face, and I collapsed to the floor. My eyes filled with tears, threatening to slip down my face. I blinked them away, hugging my knees to my chest.

I cheated. I'm a cheater. I wasn't loyal to Logan. I cheated on Logan.

I took a deep breath, in an attempt to calm myself down. It wasn't working, my head filling with thoughts of how much Logan was going to hate me. I needed to talk to someone, but who? I couldn't go to Alissa, we had just fixed things and I didn't want to fuck them up again. I wasn't close with anyone else, sure I had friends but no one I would go to with this. Then, I remembered who I could talk to.

To: Caroline
I need you...

Within a few seconds, I had gotten a response. One of the best things about my best friend was the fact that she would always respond to my texts right away, especially when I needed her the most.

I picked up the call on the first ring.

"Jade, are you ok?" She sounded panicked, worried.

I nodded, forgetting she couldn't see me. "Yeah. Well, I honestly don't know."

"What happened?"

I sighed, not wanting to relive the moments of last night. "Logan and I got in a fight, and he said some things he probably shouldn't have. I got mad and left, and instead of going to my apartment, I went to a bar and got drunk. I slept with someone. I didn't mean to though, it just happened! I was so upset with Logan that I didn't know what I was doing. I was wasted too, which didn't help the situation. I don't even remember what we did!" I rambled.

"Who did you sleep with?" Caroline asked.

I didn't answer. How am I supposed to tell her I'm an awful person?

"Jade. Who did you sleep with?" She asked again, this time she sounded more serious.

"KSI," I whispered. I felt like if I said his name any louder Logan would find out.

"You're so fucking dumb," she said with a chuckle.

"Caroline! This isn't a joke," I replied, my voice breaking.

"Are you...crying?"

"I'm fucking about to."

I hear her mutter something that sounds like "oh shit" and then "I have to go now". I said goodbye, and hung up the phone.


After taking a hot shower, I put on a pair of spandex and Logan's sweatshirt. It was the one he gave me on our first date, actually. I cuddled up in a blanket on the couch, and began to watch Netflix. It was the only thing I could do that would sort of keep my mind off things.

Three episodes in, I could barely concentrate on my show. It was 1 in the afternoon and I didn't even know what to do. I chose to Postmate some food, and play games on my phone.

Twenty minutes passed, and there was a knock on the door. I, thinking it was my food, quickly got up and rushed over to the door. I was

It wasn't food. Logan was standing there. He looked really upset, and I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. I didn't know if I could face him.

"Oh," I muttered, turning around and almost closing the door on him. He put his hand out to stop it.

"Jade, please. Can we talk?"

I needed to talk to her. I wanted to work this out. I missed her. The first thing I noticed when she let me enter the apartment was that she was wearing my sweatshirt.

Jade sat on the couch, and hugged her knees to her chest. I sat on the chair across from her. Neither of us said anything for a while. I could feel the tension between us.

She broke the silence. "Why are you here?"

"Isn't it obvious? I want this to work, Jade."

"There's nothing to work out."

I sat there, shocked. "What do you mean? Yeah there is."

"Logan, I fucked up. Can you please go?" She looked away, her brown eyes filled with tears.


"I can't be around you! I fucked up, ok? Just leave."

This wasn't going like I expected. At all...

"What did you do?"

"I cheated," she whispered, her voice breaking.

"Who? Who was it with?"

"KSI," she muttered, her voice barely audible.

My breath caught in my throat. Of all people, it just had to be him. I would have preferred a stranger, anyone, to him. I get up and leave, not wanting to spend any more time here then I have to. Now I know why Jade was ignoring me, and I'm glad she did. I wish she didn't tell me.

He hated me, I knew he did. I can tell by the way he got up and left, without even giving me a second glance.

I got off the couch, after being frozen in my spot for ten minutes, and went into my bedroom. I wrapped myself into the warm comfort of my blankets, and for the first time in a few days I felt calm and relaxed. Unknowingly, I fell asleep, and dreamt peaceful dreams.


I woke up to a loud knock banging on my front door. Who could possibly be here, that couldn't just let me sleep?

I got out of bed and made my way to the front door. As I opened the door, I saw a brown-haired girl standing in front of me.

"Caroline!" I squealed.

hey guys! so the next few notes are
gonna be hella short (thank god i fuckin ramble on down here) because i'm pre-writing a bunch of chapters so i can still update when i don't have enough time to write. guys today is my birthday so hbd to me!!! i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! check out my other fanfictions, and see ya in the next one.

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