Chapter seven

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Sammys POV

I woke up with Bailey by my side she was in her underwear and I was in boxers. Did we? I couldn't remember anything about last night. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I put on some fresh clothes after my shower of course. I grabbed my phone and walked to the door, wait. Should I leave Bailey a note? I think I'll leave her a note.

I walked down to Jack and Jack's room. I used my key to open the door, I think its stupid because you can literally walk into any room because the keys open any door. I walked into their room and Johnson was lying on the floor Riley was in one bed and Gilinsky was in the other on his phone. "Yo Gilinsky." I whispered. He looked up and got out of bed and walked to me being careful not to step on Johnson "What's up?" "I don't know Bailey is still sleeping and I just thought I'd come here." "Oh, wanna go eat some breakfast?" I looked at my watch "Bro it's 12pm." "12?" I nodded slowly. "Shit." he jumped over Johnson and went to his bag and started putting stuff in his bag. "What are you doing?" I laughed. "We leave for San Diego at 1pm." "No we dont, we leave at 3:30." "Bart said-" "Bart also sent out a text saying he changed the time." I waved my phone Gilinsky checked his phone and he formed an 'O' shape with his mouth. He put on his shirt and went to grab his wallet "Let's go eat." He walked out the door and I followed closing it softly behind me. We found an in-n-out and ate there.

"so how'd it go with Bailey last night?"

"What?" I said with my mouth full of my burger.

"Bailey and you?" he looked at me confused. I looked at him the same.

"Dude, you don't remember?!"


"What did I give you last night?"

"A condom......OH." I remember everything clearly now.

"It was great."

"Is she good?"

"For a virgin yeah."

"My boy Sam." he smirked laughing at me. I laughed back.

"Hey Sam speaking of Bailey what were you going to do for her birthday?"

"When's that?"

"Ten days after my birthday."

"Oh shit really?"


"Oh then I don't know what I'll do."

"Hmm. Ok."


We turned around and saw some fans and we took pictures with them and had a conversation with them until we left.

Bailey's POV

Ugh. My head hurts, I need some aspirin. I remembered last night all too well. I'm glad I did that with someone I love. Not some random guy at a club or anything. I put one aspirin in my my mouth taking it with water I found near the bed. There was a note too

Dear Beautiful,

Good morning my love (:

I just went to the Jack's room. I just wanted to hang with them. When I get back we can go do something if you want. If you need anything call me or text me, okay babe? (:

I love you! Sammy Wammy ♡

His cute ass left me a note, awww.

I texted Riley who was hopefully awake cause I wanted to do some shopping and Mahogany wasn't around she had already left for san Diego to go check out the venue. Riley replied a few minutes after I sent the text.

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