19. āžµ imessage

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sweetheart 🤑🖤
hey, we need to talk

honey rollins 💘
I think we do
I just saw the article
why would you do this to me?

sweetheart 🤑🖤
I didn't do anything
that's not me
I swear to you

honey rollins 💘
It is you
I know you everything about you
You are cheater
Almas was right about you

sweetheart 🤑🖤
you been talking Andrade?
are you fucking kidding me dude!?
you know damn well that he cheated on me
I can't believe you talked to him

honey rollins 💘
those photos are out there J
you are going to tell me that it isn't you?
you went to a roh taping & live event
you went to go your little "family"
you kissed Adam Page

sweetheart 🤑🖤
I didn't.
are you not hearing yourself asshole?
I left those live events on Saturday
those fucking "pictures" were taken long before I meet you
what no one knew was that Adam and I dated for couple months
he was the only one person that knew that I got taken advantage of and got pregnant
then, I had a miscarriage
I wanted to die, but Adam was there for me
Matt took that photo almost seven years ago
The only people that knew I dated Adam was my family and Andrade
obviously, Andrade been getting your little brain and telling all these lies
He likes to say that I cheated on him with Adam because after Adam, I started dating Almas.
but it was the fact that me and Adam knew that we better off as friends
there is your fucking story

honey rollins 💘
I'm sorry
I can't believe that you went through that
why didn't you tell me any of this?

sweetheart 🤑🖤
I don't like talking about that part of my life
It is a part of me, but it doesn't define who I am.
if you want to break up with me, go ahead

honey rollins 💘
I'm not breaking up with you
I just don't know
I mean in my head lately
sometimes I feel like you don't want to get personal with me
like last week, I wanted to talk to you about kids and marriage, but you ran off to your wrestling friends
then, you comment back on Cody's comment and I feel hurt that you can't talk to me
even though, you can

sweetheart 🤑 🖤
it is not that
I been scared talking about those things with you because I already talked about so many times with my past four relationship & I don't want to keep the hope up if it might not never happen
I did talk to Cody about this, but it is because he understands where I'm coming for and where you are coming from
the crazy thing is when I said I wanted kids and marriage with you
he saw my eyes light up talking about you
it might not happen right now, but the future is us
I love you more than anything
we almost just broke up, but I gave that whole story because I don't want to lose you over dumb ass article
you mean too much me

honey rollins 💘
I love you
I wanted to hear you out, but I was scared that it could have been true
I don't want to let this go because our relationship has the best relationship I have had in a long time
there will always be controversy with us, but I promise from here on out, I will come to you first before jumping into breaking up
lastly, you have to talk to me about your feelings because I want you let me in
I want you to look at me and go
"Yes, that's my husband, but most of all, my best friend"

sweetheart 🤑 🖤
I am going to make a post about this stupid article
Adam already made one
thank you for that

honey rollins 💘
I love you
with all my heart 💖

sweetheart 🤑🖤
I love you
with all my butt 💗

honey rollins 💘
we are going on vacation next week alright?

sweetheart 🤑 🖤
let's do it
see you soon 😘💘

honey rollins 💘
see you on tomorrow 😘🖤

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