44. āžµ flashback

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June. 23, 2018
Proposing to Jordan

Okay, Colby there is no need to panic. You bought the ring. You are here at her family vacation. You got this.

It was windy night out for the Bella family. Everyone was having a good time expect Jordan since she knew that she was pregnant and didn't know how to tell her boyfriend of just several months. She thought to herself that this type of things are only write in books. If only she knew, ha.

Anyway, Seth was all sweaty because this moment was going to change his life forever. He had only proposed to one other girl in his life.

Leighla. Boy, did she break his heart. Even though, he did cheat on her. No one knew from behind the cute photos that at home was nothing perfect. They argued all the time, but still that's not excuse for him to cheat.

Jordan knew about all this. She did fear about the cheating, but she fell in love with him. The phrase of "people don't change" comes to mind, but she knew that he had changed. She knew him around the time he cheated and she was mad at him because she told him that he will self-sabotage since he knew he didn't love her as much as he did before. She could not believe that he would do something like that because she knew that he change.

Jordan thought that being pregnant after few months was crazy, but it happened. Colby thought that proposing to girlfriend of only few months was crazy, but he reassured himself that she was love of his life.

this has to be the moment.

Just go to the bathroom, Colby. Rehearsal a little bit.

"hey, I will be right back. I'm going to the bathroom." said the boyfriend who is about come as fiancee. He kisses her check. She smiles. She knew that she had to tell him soon.


Okay. Take the toothpaste and imagine it's the ring. I don't wanna use the real thing because I don't want to drop it.

Anyway, Jordan Lita Garcia-Colace. I never thought I can love someone like you. You truly..

And I drop the toothpaste. In to the garbage bin. Okay. Just pick it quick. Jeez, who needs this much toilet paper.

Ah. I found it. Wait, it's a pregnancy test. Omg! wait, this is mines and Jordan's bathroom. Holy shit.

Jordan's pregnant? and she didn't tell me? I mean clearly I can handle this news right? Totally. I mean I'm going to be a dad. Fuck. I just hope it's not a girl because I already to kick some twelve year ass.

nevermind, now I know she didn't tell me. Understandable, but still I'm the dad. Jeez, I'm stressing over the this when I still have to propose to her. Just get out.

You have been in the bathroom too long.

As he walked back, he was planning on telling this girlfriend that he knows, but when she look at her, he knew that he couldn't. This last moment here can be just for them, so instead he said this

"Jordan Lita Garcia-Colace, I never thought I can love someone like you. You truly are everything I look for in a woman. You carry yourself so amazingly. You know you want and you go for it. You prove everyone wrong when told you you couldn't do it. I remember the first time you told me the story of you joining wrestling for the first time. You went to Kendrick's wrestling school and do you basically freaked out because Brian Kendrick was there. It was a couple of days after where you wanted to give up, but Kendrick wouldn't let you because he saw something in you. He told you "never fear change, be the change." That quote brings me to now. I feared doing this again because I knew how badly I fucked up the first time, but this, us is different than any other relationship I've been in. So instead of fearing the change, I'm going to be the change. So, Jordan Lita Garcia-Colace will you marry me?"

as the boyfriend went down on one knee, Jordan can tell she was already crying. Her heart was full. The man of her dreams is about be her fiancee and they were going to be a family.

"yes, I will marry you." Jordan says happily and not letting Colby put the finger on her before she kissed him. It felt like one of kisses that could last a lifetime. Now, there are going to be together for a lifetime.

"Can I put the ring on you?" Colby said in between all the kisses that she was giving him. Jordan nodded her head. Colby sled the ring on Jordan finger as a perfect fit.

They were over the moon to watch her sister get engaged. Even though Nikki had a broken off engagement, she was truly happy to see your sister get her happy ending. Her entire family congratulated her. As they were done saying congratulations, Colby called his mom and told her the good news.

It seemed like the Bella and Lopez family are going to be in it for the long haul.

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